Thanks for 10 years of wallhaven!

Posts: 124 · Views: 7504
  • 35417

    Thanks for keeping the site running!

  • 35419

    Thank you for making this site possible. Best place for wallpapers.

  • 35427

    Here since what happened with wallbase . Very happy that this website exists . Keep up the good work !!!!!!

  • 35458

    Heavens above,it's been 10+ years since fall of wallbase. Here's to upcoming years🍺 and thakyou

    Last updated
  • 35508

    Joined 10 years ago, registered 9 years ago

  • 35541

    There is no better website than here!

  • 35549

    Love Wallhaven! Happy 10yr anniverary!

  • 35580

    Been here for nine of them. Small slice of the old internet.

  • 35583

    What an awesome 10 years it's been too. I can't remember if I discovered 4walled at it's conception or shortly after but I remember using this site in my early to mid 20's. I've been watching and loving how this sight has evolved. It's one of those little pleasures of the internet that has stayed with me through my adulthood that has only changed for the better and that I really enjoy coming back to when the need arises or when I just want to look at neat pictures that highlight the diverse and creative nature of what everyone's interests are. From hand crafted art to beautiful real world photos, this sight has been awesome mate. Carry the momentum into the future and never stray from the vision! Love you guys!

  • 35601

    i remember a friend recommending this site to me after the unexpected fall of wallbase. i'm so glad i found this site. it's my #1 source for wallpapers on the internet.

  • 35604

    I joined this site 5 years ago. congratulations!

  • 35655

    Amazing site! i hope this site live for more years into the far future! #{contratulations}

  • 35707

    Congrats on 10 yrs! Love the site!! 🎊🎊🎊🎊

  • 35708

    Feels just like yesterday. Amazing!

  • 35782

    It is a feat for a sit to stay active and have new material regularly and has done it. I been enjoying countless works and finding new ones on is always a fun experience and I have found numerous new artists spreading their hallmark across my area inspiring even more artists to take up the trade in my local area and beyond..

    Thank you, for ten years and let's push for another ten years to go.

  • 35840

    Happy 10th Anniversary! I love this website to death!
