Ye Ol' Comments Page

Posts: 2034 · Views: 393
  • 2087


    Nothing helps, clearing cache, ccleaner and even other browsers. Tags are sluggish, dont show up or show up with huge delay. If i want new NSFW tag, ive got error. My connection is 80/8 megs, has no problem with it.

  • 2088

    Zerubess, tagging new uploads are still very slow. I'm going to see if I can get that fixed today/tomorrow. Maybe this will help, we'll have to see.

  • 2090

    General warning to all uploaders: If your uploads are NSFW and hit the listings with out the correct purity flag set, you'll be banned from uploading. No warning.

  • 2091

    AksumkA: Finaly! Just the strict rules and banning can avoid some 'uploaders' from ruining this beautiful site! Thank you. Also should be for them who upload without tags as well.

  • 2092

    Tagging should now be just as fast for uploads as it is for all other wallpapers! Users who have a ton of subscribers should also see a nice speed increase when finalizing their uploads.

    Let us know if you notice anything acting up.

  • 2093

    @xT1ger: thanks for the concern but we're handling the cost of the server fine (well, AksumkA is). We briefly discussed a capped donation system where users could donate up until the expenses were paid, but as for ads, we have no plans for them just now.

  • 2094

    im bored and need something to do, suggestions?

  • 2100

    You can always look for happiness, but there is really no need to look past your own front door. There are plenty of things that you can do right here in your own community. You can visit a dairy and see how milk is handled and prepared for delivery. Or plan a series of window displays on home safety. Or help start a library. Or discuss with your dentist what you can do to make your teeth more attractive.

  • 2103

    Hey there! When I try to add the tag "women" search engine does not give the desired stitch, only different "Fictional Characters". A general search this tag is correct. This does not always happen, but it happens. What is the reason? Can the tag of being banned in relation to this picture?

  • 2104

    Ah, this is just my curve hands... lol

  • 2108

    I noticed some tags have been eliminated, I figured out to what but is there anyway when you guys roll this out that there could be a weekly or daily letter sent out as to changes to tags. I mean I understand that if you search for a tag it will be blended into what the tag is attached to. But if you're typing a tag out its does offer that same justice in bringing up what the tag you are trying to type in, has gotten merged with. I feel this would be very advantageous to those that want to keep doing things the right way.

    Just a thought. :)

    PS... I would be more than happy to help with this responsibility if need be in the future.

  • 2109

    drgrumbles: get an idea of the rules and report offending walls as you browse. Add tags where there aren't many, or on walls with none at all ([url][/url]). Edit: I guess that section broke. AksumkA edit: Fixed your link bud

    yoo: could you rephrase that?

    Brokenvegetable: usually a lot of new tags just get merged into existing ones, but the merging system broke in the last update so we've had to do a lot of deleting and manual re-tagging. It would be difficult to put out a 'letter' like you describe, because there's always something being changed and it would greatly increase staff work to have to record that separately. When the merging system is redone and users can't create tags that are already aliases of existing ones, it should be clearer what's 'right' (and I know that changes often, but y'know, alpha).

    If folks are unsure about tagging or what have you, they can just post here and we can answer.

    Edit: just posted a thread about tagging, etc. specifics for those who might need it here (yes, I was keeping a shitlist).

    Last updated
  • 2112

    Some walls in the link already got a tag ( or more ). I’ll spend some time on it when I’ve got time ;)

    I’ve got problems with the « more .... wallpapers » bouton, sometimes it gives me other answer. Exemple : for « mountains » tag, i found that : So Wallpapers tagged : 1,297 when I click on «  More mountains wallpapers » , I found that : only «  223 Wallpapers found for mountains » and some other tags interfere in the search :( does this problem come from broken merging system ?

  • 2113

    excuse me. but why the work ? to tag all these walls when they get deleted after ALPHA ?

  • 2114

    am i right, when beta starts there will be ZERO walls here, allright ?

    ALPHA is only a TEST PHASE.

  • 2119

    yeah, kinda insane...or maniac... :-) he he but maybe there is as you say "deleted eventually" . would be cool!

  • 2120

    Yeah, we still don't know how much longer we'll be in alpha for. I can say I don't expect we'll leave alpha for beta any time soon though. We're still working on major features that we want released before leaving alpha.

  • 2121

    Hi, guys, I read that the owner of the domain is missing for mor than a year; however, if you have access to the hosting, you can set up the redirection to this website to: a) fix the google search issues. You'll, therefore, get much more organic traffic. b) redirect wallbase's direct traffic so that they wouldn't need to google as I did.

    Thank you for your work. I'm glad my favorite wallpapers website is up.

  • 2122

    cthulchu We don't have access to anything on wallbase, it was all in one hand. So we can't do any kind of redirection either.

  • 2123

    that's quite sad... I see, the NS record was edited like around 30 days ago, so somebody does have access to the domain. Anyway, thank you for the effort. We appreciate it.

  • 2124

    cyrain: yeah, this is a problem with the tagging system. I'm not sure where the devs are at with it but they do know about it.

    @WallpaperManiac: no one's forcing you to help out.

    @Replica: uploaders usually don't give many tags to their walls, sometimes none at all. A couple tags per wall are enough but not ideal. We want to make the site more than just usable while we're still making it.

    cthulchu: please see the about page and our FAQs. We have no access to the admin of Wallbase or

  • 2125

    Hi, any chance that you'll allow for filtering of 21:9 or 3440x1440 wallpapers? For the LG um95.
