Ye Ol' Comments Page

Posts: 2034 · Views: 393
  • 29

    Hello there, Im glad that this project exists! So far I couldnt find any good replacement for wb and this might be the one. I undestand that its alpha and have some questions:

    1. Where will the budget for maintaining the server come from ? Adds?
    2. Will there be a forum part? 3.Will there be a few features: (that are not here for now) 1) Report options and will admins\mod have ui for moderating em. 2) The original thumbnail ratio. 3) Viewing real size in full view 4) Width upload restriction, I saw 9xx something wallpaper 5) Tag system will be like it was on wb? I uploaded a wall but tags didnt added to it

    Oh and thank you for creating Porn category :D Also I coudnt add anything to favourites. thx ^^

  • 30

    I see this works now. nice.

  • 31

    UAman, glad to see you returning. :)

    2) Settings > browsing > thumb size > orignal 5) adding tags only works on the wallpaper page yet

    Favorite can only seem to be added if you have created a new folder.

  • 32

    Hey, the site looks sleek. I wanted to give you a heads-up that my profile views seem to increase on each refresh on my profile. Keep up the great work!

  • 33

    The database is probably going to be wiped again some time soon, so don't spend too much time on here yet. This doesn't mean you shouldn't do anything, but be warned when your work is gone. (it's and alpha after all)

  • 35

    chibi I know. I just wanted to say it in case the devs were not aware of it.

  • 37

    I have a 2560x1080 resolution monitor. is there a way to more easily search for wallpapers at that size or larger? wallbase had the option of entering a custom resolution into the search.

  • 38

    Will you guys consider to add pivot resolutions (1200x1920, 1080x1920, 720x1280 etc.) to the search options for resolutions? I'm using one monitor in pivot mode and i like to have more wallpapers for that monitor.

  • 39

    Firstly the new site looks really great, keep up the work.

    If there was one request I would love to see is the feature that Wallbase had to be able to add sub-favourite and a favourite category. Hope this will be implemented.

    There are lots of other things but I can see you guys are on top of many things.

  • 40

    #27: Beta when?

    • Our plan is to roll out of beta to an official launch. So ideally the beta will be very close to the "final product." I plan on updating the alpha site a few more times before we hit beta.

    #28: Money, forums, and features:

    • I don't plan on putting ads up until we have a need for them. Right now everything is very affordable so I'll keep the site clean for as long as it's feasible (expect a donation link before ads get added however) Forums will come sooner or later, but right now we're focusing on getting the core features back up and running. Speaking of... Reporting uploads will come soon, original thumb ratio already exists, full view should be making a come back, size restrictions will totally be a thing, and we do hope to have a decent tag system up. Tags (mostly) work now, but not yet on the upload page.

    #33 : Porn!? Yeah, that started as more of a joke. I'm thinking renaming it to "people" would be more appropriate. Thoughts on this?

    #36, #37: Resolutions: Right now if you wanted you can manipulate the search sting in the URL bar after doing a search. Just replace whatever resolution you selected with the one you want. We fully plan on expanding the options for resolutions soon.

    #38: Sub-Collections: As of right now we don't really have a plan for sub collections. I don't think it should be too hard to implement if there is a big enough demand, but it might be a while before we go down that road. There's still a ton of work to do with collections and favs as it is.

    Thanks again everyone for testing and giving feedback! Hopefully soon we'll have more updates ready.

  • 41

    AksumkA I think, renaming it to people isnt right, I think it should be Porn or be gone completely. Maybe ero or erotic cuz all the fingering, set sh#t isnt allowed. About sub-collections. Dont think its necessary, consider implementing good search system in collections.

  • 43

    Faster than Wallbase on my PC. Obviously needs batch upload and tagging.

    darkdragon UAman Personally, I like having the adult images, wallpaper is wallpaper. It's not like it's not filtered out if it offends you. Worst case I'd add a NSFW nudes and NSFW adult.

  • 44

    One more request - Drag and drop batch upload!

  • 45

    Allow deletion on the upload screen in the event the wrong pic is selected.

  • 47

    do upload system will be changed or it will remain the same (no more mass upload just one pic at time )

  • 48

    What3ver Yes we are planning on improving the upload form. No ETA just yet.

  • 49

    Just curious about the management. You foresee the current setup as something long lasting? As in, if some financial or any other problems arise, it won't break-down and admin will be able to opt out or in to manage the website?

    We don't want users feeling wasted after investing so much in a website (like WallBase) and then it all coming to a weird halt.

  • 52

    Hi I'm just checking in, just joined in case anyone cares. :)

    Quick suggestion for the profile background picture, it would be nice if it was somehow positionable ("croppable")

  • 53

    LWTBP obviously we don't want this to go the same way as wallbase did. Shared ownership isn't really a thing yet but I guess that'll be worked out somehow. The important thing is that server access is shared amongst several (trustworthy) individuals so there's no "single point of failure". Also there will be a complete set of staff tools so the site can be moderated properly even without a server admin present.

    @OhKO do you mean share buttons or links to profiles on different sites? We can do the latter but social media share links will be treated very conservatively due to privacy concerns.

    EpicPhilip that's probably way more complicated then useful (consider that the background image may shift around with different screen/window sizes). Maybe someday in the future but for now there are "a few" more important things ;D

  • 54

    I understand that on the homepage the current thumbnails shown are like Walbase's 'featured images'. But the icons on the top bar should be MORE PROMINENT on the homepage for the first visitor. Like wallbase they need to be bigger and more 'in your face' for the newbie. English titles should go with each icon encouraging the user to browse the wallpapers.

    If I wasn't used to WallBase, I would have no idea what to do with the site's wallpaper access once I visit the home and wonder why there are only 9 or 6 wallpapers. LOL.

  • 55
    1. Using Chrome, I cant create categories for favourites. [Chromium 32.0.1700.102]

    2. How about splitting "General" into something like "chicks" and "no chicks"? Or change "porn" accordingly, let filters sort out the real porn.

    3. Good job so far ;)

  • 57

    LWTBP good input on the start page, gonna consider that.

    @osscreations multi-upload is planned, we're just not there yet.

  • 59

    Could we have comments on individual pictures? I think it would be kinda cool to share some humor or whatever on individual pictures with each other. Might not be feasible and hard to implement however.

  • 60

    Could a map be made with all the tagged things where a part of the map, say Star Wars, contains smaller parts made up of characters and other references? I think it would be cool to see lol

  • 61

    Figured I'd take a look at the site. It all looks pretty good on an initial glance (< 10 minutes).

    A couple of aesthetic things that I noticed however were:

    1. I feel like the icons, logo, just about everything in the top bar are just a tad bit too small to be comfortable
    2. When you expand a dropdown menu after a search (take "resolution" for example), and then expand another one (say "Ratio"), then the first dropdown menu doesn't minimize itself again. A small glitch but I feel like clicking a non-menu element of the screen should minimize the currently open menu

    Again, these are just small graphical/aesthetic things. From the small use I've attempted it seems to be working rather well.

    Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
