Ye Ol' Comments Page

Posts: 2034 · Views: 393
  • 2251

    hi everybody my question is is it possible to remove or replace a picture I uploaded because I found a better quality for two of it. Thanks

  • 2253

    @AOATH > excluding quality game screenshots

    Emphasis on QUALITY.

  • 2255

    Quality refers manly to actual image quality and usability as a wallpaper. If an image is blurry due to upscaling, it gets deleted. If an image was created in MS Paint and just looks like garbage, it gets deleted. Screenshots that have UI elements are totally up for deletion. Doesn't matter how good the composition was, we do not allow screenshots like that.

    We are not just a place to dump images. We're not Imgur.

  • 2257

    Just because an image is simple does not mean it is not quality. Neither of those have poor image quality and both are more likely to be used as wallpaper than either of your two deleted screenshots.

    Again, our focus here is wallpapers. Images that people would want to have set as their backgrounds.

    If you're looking to share your screenshots, use the Steam community, post to the Skyrim subreddit, or get an imgur album going. If you're looking to use our site to show off your screenshots, you'll want to find somewhere else. We're just not for you.

  • 2259

    @AOATH, a couple of things to note: we're not out to get you. It just happened that your uploads were judged and deleted. There's a variety of people looking at reports so it doesn't come down to one staff's idea of quality. Also, 'low quality' comes before any specific rule about screenshots.

  • 2261

    So much drama. So little time.

  • 2262

    Hey guys! I was wondering if anybody could help me find out who this girl is. I tried a lookup in tineye but found nothing, and I'm not sure how to start looking deeper. Any help would be great. Thanks!

  • 2263

    Drok00 Try google images search. I got some sites in Russian, which I do not understand.

  • 2264

    @ lezboyd Unfortunately all the same links as tineye, the russian link is just a youtube video where a user uses that picture as an avatar..

  • 2265

    Can't delete comments from profile. Why?

  • 2266

    Defalt Because admin-locked. People delete warnings from admins and carry on breaking the rules as if nothing happened.

  • 2267

    lezboyd Shouldn't there be a system in place to know how many warnings people have had? also ban them for 1 day then 1 week so on?

  • 2268

    Defalt Admins will still be able to see it even if user deletes a comment. But that is no reason not to admin-lock a warning. And a ban system is already in place, manually implemented by admins.

  • 2270

    Is there a way to turn these off for the search? For example looking for Morgan Freeman results in everyone / everything related to either of those two words.

    Also is it possible to add the ability to search these comments so that questions do not get asked that are already answered?

  • 2271

    Isn't there a android ap for this site? and if not , why not?

  • 2272

    Someone upload some HQ Jessica Wilde, please! Thank you.

  • 2275

    lezboyd: Yes, I found that one as well and I wanted to upload it but it's 1000x1500 and for obvious reason I couldn't (24 pixels short, aww!) And all other hi-res were just webcam stills, so bad quality... If somebody else is interested in searching, her a.e. is TattGoddess. Good luck :-)

  • 2276

    Corkas Not from us, because making apps takes a lot of time.

    WizCraker Search is still being worked on, exact search is kinda broken right now. There's no search for comments. We're going to add forums eventually.

    @lanriin Shouldn't happen. Do you still get the errors?

  • 2277

    Is there any way to view top/popular posts like there was in Wallbase? I can see sort by views/favourites, however it's not the same.

  • 2280

    Lucid There is a workaround for now. Go to "Latest" page and then reorder by Favorites descending. Should work as a toplist.

  • 2281

    hi, i had this wallpaper, but it got deleted, it was: a topless woman holding a white (h&m?) bra hitchhiking on a street, only her back was shown. can anyone help me out? i have searched for women outdoorts but couldn't find it.

  • 2283

    Heads up if you're still sitting on a ton of subscriptions!

    We made some changes to the subscriptions and will be removing a ton of now invalid subscriptions. This is just the walls that get listed, not what you've actually subscribed to.

    If you don't want to miss any walls, now is the time to check your subs and make sure you take a look at anything you'd want to save!
