[CODE OF COEXISTENCE AND COMMUNITY] Applying the minimum tags

Posts: 28 · Views: 272
  • 22289

    Hi guys and gals

    Please we need some kind of rules to apply when uploading new content. People should not be able to upload something without tags.

    For example,

    1- If you are going to upload video game artwork, screenshots or something related to the video game world (including logos) please tag your upload with "videogame". There are a LOT of video game related content lately and it is getting out of hands. We must tag the content so other can find it or filter it. Please use the most basic and wide tags available.

    2- If you are going to upload movie, series or comics content please use "popculture" tag.

    3- If you are going to upload car photos please use "car" tag. Same applies to any mechanical object, bikes or planes.

    4- If you are going to upload anime, manga please use the "anime" tag.

    5- If you are going to upload non-anime cartoons, please use "cartoon" (yeah, bronies are here too)

    6- You get the idea... do this for every thing you upload please.

    BONUS: scenery photography seems to be well behaved, most of them using the "landscape" tag and they are always tagged accordingly, so kudos for those.

    The more specific tags will be eventually applied by the community.

    Also for the community out there, please use the "wide and generic" tags if you see the image lacks it, for example:

    You see a car image, tags are "mazda" "RX-1xx" "V12" "racing" please add the "car" tag as it will be really useful for those of us trying to filter car content. Obviously, this is valid for ALL types of images.


  • 22291

    Walls can't be uploaded without tags FYI. A minimum of 2 tags is required before you upload the wallpaper. As it stands though tagging etiquette is pretty bad and new posters never seem to read the rules or try to figure out how uploading works so a lot of walls get useless tags on them.

  • 22293

    Well that´s weird, yesterday I stumbled into at least 5 videogame wallpapers with no tags (it said something like "this image still doesn´t have any tags yet" so I don´t know what happened. And yes, etiquette rules are not working very well.

  • 22294

    elcosomalo said:

    Well that´s weird, yesterday I stumbled into at least 5 videogame wallpapers with no tags (it said something like "this image still doesn´t have any tags yet" so I don´t know what happened.

    Wallpapers can only be uploaded with at least 2 tags, but anyone can then remove the tags so they can remain with none.

  • 22295

    So that is the problem, uh? hmmm... well maybe the system should not allow that, sounds a bit like an exploit to me.

  • 22296

    There are valid reasons for allowing users to remove tags. Making corrections being the most obvious. I'd rather not increase load on our thin staff team.

    I don't want to make the barrier to uploading too high either, so I'm not planning on increasing the minimum tag limit just yet - some walls are just really hard to find 'good' tag for!

    I'm all for making tagging easier though. Would more special searches like !anime_no_char, or !anime_no_series help find other wallpapers that are missing easy tags? Do we need to add more tag categories? I've been thinking of spinning video games out to their own top tier category, allowing us to create video game characters and video game series sub categories. What about other tools or maybe even incentives for tagging? Our biggest strength is our community, I'd like to see more users join us in making sure content is tagged (and flagged) correctly.

  • 22297

    I´didn´t mean to remove the possibility to remove tags, I was talking about not letting users remove ALL tags from an image. Maybe implementing some kind of restriction when uploading? something like a "bag of general tags" then the user can add the specific ones that they feel that describes the content.

    Something like:

    Uploads an image from a video game. Immediately the system asks him/her to select one of the main categories (this would be the main tag) from a pre-made list. User selects "videogame" and then the system lets him/her add other tags or create them.

    It´s like a "filter" that forces them to select a main category in the tags, then lets them continue.

    I don´t know... its just an idea

    Added 12 minutes after

    And you could implement some "points" system to people that help tagging. People LOVE levels and points. I don´t really care about that, but it would be some kind of incentive for them. Don´t know what the points would enable you to do... but it could be decorative. Be aware though that this should have consequences for users rushing to tag wrongly any image just to win points (I´m sure this would happen).

    Last updated
  • 22314

    See? this is what I´m talking about:

    These images should have at least the "simplistic" tag or a better tag that can apply to all these kind of images. How can I filter those? Do I have to put every color into the search field? -green -red?? ..nonsense

    Last updated
  • 22343

    An example of "no tags image"

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  • 22944

    Y'all are being toxic so please stop with that. elcosomalo UberLost

    Either way elco adding 1-2 of the minor genre tags is nice, but I think walls really benefit from the more detailed tags. Take this wall for example:

    1920 x 959120

    I could have just added Dark Souls and Fantasy Art to it, but I took a look at everything and added a few of the more detailed tags like Bonfire and Mug. To me the most generic tags don't do much other than let a few users filter out some walls. What is really important is the more detailed tags that describe the wallpaper.

  • 22946

    Maybe adding some broader and obligatory tags would help in the filtering/finding process. Like "videogames"; "photography"; "anime"; "artwork"; "minimalist", and so on. My idea is to have them already pinned (and not selected) after you make an upload, and the walls can only be posted after at least one of the tags is selected.

    Its probably really hard to implement, and personally I'm not a fan of obligatory tags, but maybe this will sort out the lack of uploading etiquette.

  • 22947

    JustJon said:

    Maybe adding some broader and obligatory tags would help in the filtering/finding process. Like "videogames"; "photography"; "anime"; "artwork"; "minimalist", and so on. My idea is to have them already pinned (and not selected) after you make an upload, and the walls can only be posted after at least one of the tags is selected.

    Its probably really hard to implement, and personally I'm not a fan of obligatory tags, but maybe this will sort out the lack of uploading etiquette.

    That's basically the reasoning behind the 3 categories. To help narrow it down without creating a giant list of subcategories you have to go through before finding a wall. Also people put walls in the wrong categories and add wrong tags as it is. Further complicating it might just make it more of a headache for us moderators. While it sounds like a nice idea, actual implementation and moderation could easily turn into a nightmare.

  • 22948

    404011xz said:

    Y'all are being toxic so please stop with that. elcosomalo UberLost

    Either way elco adding 1-2 of the minor genre tags is nice, but I think walls really benefit from the more detailed tags. Take this wall for example:

    1920 x 959120

    I could have just added Dark Souls and Fantasy Art to it, but I took a look at everything and added a few of the more detailed tags like Bonfire and Mug. To me the most generic tags don't do much other than let a few users filter out some walls. What is really important is the more detailed tags that describe the wallpaper.

    You forgot tag Fire Keeper (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

  • 22953

    404011xz said:

    JustJon said:

    Maybe adding some broader and obligatory tags would help in the filtering/finding process. Like "videogames"; "photography"; "anime"; "artwork"; "minimalist", and so on. My idea is to have them already pinned (and not selected) after you make an upload, and the walls can only be posted after at least one of the tags is selected.

    Its probably really hard to implement, and personally I'm not a fan of obligatory tags, but maybe this will sort out the lack of uploading etiquette.

    That's basically the reasoning behind the 3 categories. To help narrow it down without creating a giant list of subcategories you have to go through before finding a wall. Also people put walls in the wrong categories and add wrong tags as it is. Further complicating it might just make it more of a headache for us moderators. While it sounds like a nice idea, actual implementation and moderation could easily turn into a nightmare.

    Totally see your point, moderation is already a hard job we don't need to create more hassle to you guys, just wanted to give my 2 cents. Maybe with enough community engagement we can have more ideas and find a good enough solution that doesn't make moderation harder.

  • 22957

    404011xz said:

    Y'all are being toxic so please stop with that. elcosomalo UberLost

    Either way elco adding 1-2 of the minor genre tags is nice, but I think walls really benefit from the more detailed tags. Take this wall for example:

    1920 x 959120

    I could have just added Dark Souls and Fantasy Art to it, but I took a look at everything and added a few of the more detailed tags like Bonfire and Mug. To me the most generic tags don't do much other than let a few users filter out some walls. What is really important is the more detailed tags that describe the wallpaper.

    I´m not against adding specific tags, but we need to have some "primary" tags so we can filter. That image can easily be tagged as video games and then you can add the specific tags (done). That is a video game art content image so it belongs to video games tag.

    Also... "mug" ? seriously that is the problem with this. Who would be searching for epic video game wallpapers and search for "mug" to find what he/she wants?

    Let's think this together: A- User wants epic wallpapers (video game, movie, you name it). User searches for MUG tag (for some reason), user gets a LOT of "food" wallpapers showing coffee mugs in a table. B- User wants coffee mugs wallpapers ("food"). User searches for MUG (as expected), user gets epic wallpapers.


    I'm trying to avoid this, mod... please:

    Added 6 minutes after

    JustJon said:

    Maybe adding some broader and obligatory tags would help in the filtering/finding process. Like "videogames"; "photography"; "anime"; "artwork"; "minimalist", and so on. My idea is to have them already pinned (and not selected) after you make an upload, and the walls can only be posted after at least one of the tags is selected.

    Its probably really hard to implement, and personally I'm not a fan of obligatory tags, but maybe this will sort out the lack of uploading etiquette.

    That is EXACTLY what I'm asking for. Sorry to everybody if you don't like to be forced into using predefined tags, but as proven by history, people need guides and rules. Sadly there are a lot of people misbehaving so we need rules.

    Last updated
  • 22960

    elcosomalo said:

    That is EXACTLY what I'm asking for. Sorry to everybody if you don't like to be forced into using predefined tags, but as proven by history, people need guides and rules. Sadly there are a lot of people misbehaving so we need rules.

    Also proven by history, people don't follow the rules. Fixing people's mistakes of putting walls in the wrong "broad" category would become such a nightmare among what we already have to fix on a daily basis it wouldn't be worth it. It's bad enough I have to constantly fix users putting walls in the wrong categories every single day and having to explain to "some" users that they shouldn't be harassing others on their profile pages to push their tagging ideology.

  • 22967

    404011xz said:

    elcosomalo said:

    That is EXACTLY what I'm asking for. Sorry to everybody if you don't like to be forced into using predefined tags, but as proven by history, people need guides and rules. Sadly there are a lot of people misbehaving so we need rules.

    Also proven by history, people don't follow the rules. Fixing people's mistakes of putting walls in the wrong "broad" category would become such a nightmare among what we already have to fix on a daily basis it wouldn't be worth it. It's bad enough I have to constantly fix users putting walls in the wrong categories every single day and having to explain to "some" users that they shouldn't be harassing others on their profile pages to push their tagging ideology.

    Also difficult to maintain a wallpaper category when the people that are supposed to maintain order are tagging the wallpapers in a wrong way as proven with images above.

    And with that way of thinking, then you should not exist as mod. No rules, no mods.

    And, let me say this: there is no "ideology" in tagging., there is no "belief" or "ideals" its is just objective thinking and knowing how things work in a search, and you can test it everyday. Go ahead and search for "mug" and see what you find, it is a collage of all the categories mixed up.

    If you go and tag a Ferrari image, and instead of tagging the image "Cars" "Ferrari" "F40" you tag it as "mirrors" "speed" "sky" then you clearly don't know how people would search for the image. Instead of fixing the image tags you are creating a mess of a collage for people searching for a Ferrari F40 and people searching for sky images.

    Take a look a the picture above, people are tagging women images with "painted nails", and the funny part is you can hardly see her fingers. Room images are being tagged with all they see in the room, that image will probably pop up in 70% searches. Another woman photo, was tagged "strategic covering" (?). A cartoon of a random guy with a computer and a space background is tagged "space" instead of "cartoon", I'm sure people looking for constellations or planet images will be glad to see it as a result, right?

    what if I don't even search for something specific? what if I want to navigate the wallpapers to choose one but want to get rid of all the content that I don't want to see for sure? how am I supposed to filter a picture of a coffee on a table from your epic video game image? how could I search for sky images without getting the Ferrari?

    Last updated
  • 22969

    Either by blacklisting tags under the browsing options in your settings or using search filters as they are discussed here

    Tags can be added and removed by users so you will naturally see discrepancies between wallpapers. It is quite frankly impossible for staff to constantly monitor every wallpaper currently hosted on the site. When a wallpaper has a mug or painted nails in it then the tags for those items/subjects have been applied correctly even if they aren't the focus of the image. If you see wallpapers without tags you are free to add them yourself.

    And with that way of thinking, then you should not exist as mod. No rules, no mods.

    I would like to remind you to keep it civil even when you disagree.

    I am glad you hold this website and it's staff up to high quality standards.

  • 22970

    spraayer said:

    Either by blacklisting tags under the browsing options in your settings or using search filters as they are discussed here

    Tags can be added and removed by users so you will naturally see discrepancies between wallpapers. It is quite frankly impossible for staff to constantly monitor every wallpaper currently hosted on the site. When a wallpaper has a mug or painted nails in it then the tags for those items/subjects have been applied correctly even if they aren't the focus of the image. If you see wallpapers without tags you are free to add them yourself.

    And with that way of thinking, then you should not exist as mod. No rules, no mods.

    I would like to remind you to keep it civil even when you disagree.

    I am glad you hold this website and it's staff up to high quality standards.

    Thanks for the response, but my tag blacklist is full and is not infinite. I asked to make it infinite but the idea was not well receipt. I did not insult anybody, just arguing with facts.

    I totally understand that mods cannot keep it up with bad behavior of the users, I'm not questioning that. That is why I'm giving my thoughts to make it easier for all. If tags are free to be applied like this, this site will be always impossible to maintain. And we are in a circle.

    We will have to change the paradigm of what is "correct" and what is "wrong" because if we keep this freedom, searching will be impossible, I gave a practical example of this and its easy to check. Rules must be well thought and not something to follow blindly like a computer. And of course they must be put to discussion if needed. Applying the "mug" tag to an epic video game image that is definitely not the focus of the image will in fact, create caos in the search engine, even if the rules let you do it. I'm not lying or making this up, its a fact.

    I also asked in that thread how to use those filters, where they came from?... but had no replies. How did they come with -c:54,30 for example? how do I know how to get that ID for themes that i don't like?.

    Also there is a flaw in the filtering (I use the good old "-" when searching), there is a cross-tagging and I would be removing a lot of wallpapers that I like. For example, if I remove "-mug" I would miss the "food" type of wallpapers that have that tag applied, and maybe I like the "food" wallpapers with mugs in it. The common sense would be to use the "mug" tag for images where a mug is the main theme and not something in the background or something small being carried by a character .


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  • 22971

    Wallpaper with enough and correctly Tags should be "locked", so no one can remove any Tags anymore. This would erase the Problem of Users who remove tags forever.

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  • 22972

    @WallpaperManiac said:

    Wallpaper with enough and correctly Tags should be "locked", so no one can remove any Tags anymore. This would erase the Problem of Users who remove tags forever.

    well.. i don't think that is the solution. That would be impossible in fact. Who would dictate that the image has enough good tags? mods? are mods capable of this? (see above), that would really increase their work 10000%.

    I'm not against tag removal. I'm more like favoring some tag restrictions. The real life example above says it all; people are tagging images wrongly because they do not think of tags in a search engine but a "description of the image" which in turn makes the image imposible to filter or search properly; its like a circle: the more the tags, the less you can filter.

    The example of the Ferrari image; people put soooo many unnecessary tags (and no main tags) Something like this happens:

    1- uploader uploads a Ferrari F40 image from a video game in a photo session ingame with a lanscape behind. 2- tags it like Forza Horizon 4. Just that. (WRONG BEHAVIOR STARTS HERE) this should be first tagged as "video games" and "cars". 3- people come behind that and tag it with "sky" "green valley" "landscape" "Britain" "red" "wheels" "motor" "driver" 4- people searching for "landscape" get car images. people searching for "Britain" photos get car images. people trying to filter this out of control image (which now can have 12 tags that have little to do with the image) end up filtering other good wallpapers

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  • 22973

    Looks like a job description. Professional Taggers searched. Make no money, but history. Work hard. Do it for free. Have Fun. Well in 4 to 5 Years the work would be done. :-)
