Tag bug?

Posts: 1 · Views: 34
  • 6619

    Quickly looked through the forums, didn't notice a post about this already.. so I'm gonna post it myself in hopes of helping out somehow (if this is a dupe, let me know ill figure out how to delete it if i can)

    I've come across a bug (maybe?) with the tags, when you click on one with will bring you to a page with 15 or so photos that have the same tag. Which is awesome. At the bottom of the page there is a "More "insert tag here" wallpapers" button, when I click it one of two things happen:

    1: I'm directed to a page with no wallpapers at all 2: I'm directed to a page with less wallpapers than the 15 or so that were displayed on the page before it (the ones displayed are the same as the previous page, just some are left out)

    Tested this with multiple random tags and I get one of the same 2 results

    Added 2016-01-04 02:31:01

    Just looked again and saw a couple posts about this on the first page.. i feel quite dumb now Delete this is possible ~ I cant seem to do it
