Dupe detection - exists

Posts: 8 · Views: 132
  • 6427

    When I tried to upload a wall it said me 'wallpaper exists', maybe it is, but the existing wallpaper definitely doesn't have a required tag (Noah Bradley), so please add a possibility to view existing wallpaper when fails to upload, to make sure it really exists, has correct tags and resolution, even if it's all match, maybe it's not bad to upload a different size and group them?

    Also some offtop here. I was thinking about minimum tags on upload. First thought I have is to add some function, that just counts tags amount, and if tags<2 then 'finalize uploads' button inactive. What am I missing? It can't be so simple, otherwise you'd realize this feature long ago.

    Another offtop. Are you planning to just improve auto dupe detection or there will be some tools for users to manage duplicated wallpapers effectively? For example, when someone sees two or more duplicated wallpapers, he(she) press a button 'dupe' or something, then choose all duplicated, and then the server automatically compares these(maybe resize them all to smallest given resolution for better comparison) and if they match, removes all except biggest res, or group them?

  • 6429

    Both minimum tags and improved dupe detection are already planned features and have been suggested many times. And you can already report images for being duplicates.

  • 6437

    Read my post again.

  • 6439

    We do allow a few different resolutions (usually the maximum available plus a standard resolution like 1920x1080). However there is no need for a dozen different crops of the same image.

    We're not going to merge wallpapers automatically, this decision will remain up to staff members. To make this process a little more streamlined the form for reporting duplicates will receive a little upgrade soon.

    Everything else you mentioned has already been requested and is planned.

  • 6442

    I have requested only a way to see already existing wallpaper.

  • 6443

    sannukas0016 said:

    ... and improved dupe detection are already planned features ...

    This most likely includes the possibility to view the detected dupe. I don't know how the current dupe detection is coded, but implementing it would most likely be easy.

  • 6444

    @dwemer my reply was meant for you "offtop" suggestions. I agree with your suggested to be able to see the original version when a dupe is detected.

  • 6456

    sannukas0016 you read '...both requested and planned'. I know this is planned, I just wanted to know the way it will be working after implemented. Also I know about reporting duplicates, my suggestion was about making it automatically by the server, not the staff member.
