Slaughters in Paris.

Posts: 19 · Views: 373
  • 6047

    Hello. I'm just making this thread to know wallhaven users' opinion about what happened last night in Paris. (slaughters, about 120 civilians killed.) It's maybe not the right place to talk about it but I live near Paris and as a french man, I have my own judgement. BUT I'm curious to know how you (people for foreign countries or people from France) react to it. Thank you.

    P.S. : If you don't know anything about the subject just paste the thread's title on Google and you'll find informations.

  • 6049

    I find whatever happened was pretty shocking. Given what happened in France over the past year, it almost looks like France is starting to become a target for extremists. It's really unfortunate and should not have happened, but it did and lives have been lost in vain.

    Interestingly enough, a mass surveillance act was passed in France a few months ago, and that clearly didn't prevent the attack from happening. I wonder how the French government is going to save face on their surveillance plans, and what they plan on doing next.

  • 6050

    Interestingly enough, a mass surveillance act was passed in France a few months ago, and that clearly didn't prevent the attack from happening.

    I agree with you. And I also think that no matter the laws of surveillance, you can't not predict a terrorist attack. It can happen everywhere and you can't put a police man or a military in all the public places of the country. It's sad but that's how terrorism works.

  • 6056

    To put it bluntly I am a muslim, too but I can say that all Muslims are like that, they like to kill people.

  • 6063

    I can say that all Muslims are like that, they like to kill people.

    Isn't that a bit too general (all inclusive), just like saying because someone is muslim they might have a higher tendency of killing every one else. This is not to say that I don't empathies with what Paris is experiencing now, but let us remember that the the actions of some don't define those of the others.

  • 6068

    paradox said:

    I can say that all Muslims are like that, they like to kill people.

    You can't say this, it's absolutely not true. The religion of each other correspond to their personality. For example, if someone is violent is religion is going to be violent. I also think that the terrorists of the islamic state use the Islam in a bad way and to manipulate people, to rally them to their cause.

  • 6069

    The globalist crime syndicate wants us to be completely geopolitıcally and culturally ignorant so that they can hoax the stories that they want us to believe in. Stop trusting mainstream media and start to question things. Analysing these recent events I can make only one conclusion and it's that people are still not aware that all these geopolitical things are planned a long time ago by the ''big club''. Every event has it's own purpose including the latest one and we will completely undertand it soon.

  • 6070

    BratoMo225 that's why I made this thread : to exchange our opinions, to make our own analysis and to know people's view about the recent events, but I agree with you about the general ignorance of the nations. I also know a little bit much about the geopolitical situation and the history of the Middle East so if I can help anyone let me know.

  • 6074

    neomeow said:

    paradox said: You can't say this, it's absolutely not true. .....

    Islam commands of violence so does the need for religious Muslims All Muslims!(almost) want to implement as required by religious violence.

  • 6082

    One day... peace will win,and hate and fear will be no more. To get to that day,I think we all need to try to stop all the violent things people do.

  • 6098

    hypermax said:

    One day... peace will win,and hate and fear will be no more. To get to that day,I think we all need to try to stop all the violent things people do.

    Sadly, I think that it is an unreachable goal but I still hope. :)

    paradox said:

    Islam commands of violence so does the need for religious Muslims All Muslims!(almost) want to implement as required by religious violence.

    I don't agree but anyway let's go back to the subject.

  • 6108

    microcosmos we at war with islamic state for many years, we are shocked because, now, the war is coming into our country.

    going into action and directly take down every IS-related propaganda.

    Maybe we can take down their propaganda, but what can we do about the economic support provided by the Saudi Arabia ? about the oil traffic ? about the open borders with Turkey that let new recruits go to Syria and Iraq to join their army. We can't do anything. But you're right tho, we must act on our scale !

  • 6183

    To refresh this thread, I want to say that french media are not talking that much of the slaughters anymore. Medias saw this tragedy as a gold mine for one week and after that, they're searching another one. I blame medias also for not talking of the tragedies that happen every day in the other country. It's seems like a European life is not worth that of an Asian, an African or a South American.

  • 6184

    Just a little thought: The goal of bombings and shootings like this is to cause outrage and fear, i.e. literal “terror”. So far Europe's reaction has been precisely that. Maybe chilling out a little isn't such a bad thing.

  • 6185

    paradox - I don't know who you are but are definitely not a Muslim. And to characterize all Muslims as killers is idiotic. Most are like all other normal folks. Struggling to make a life out for themselves in this world and too busy to care about big things and definitely not participating in being killers.. I have to say being a terrorist has more to do with who you are as a person than what your faith is. After all there are people from all faiths who become killers and do bad things. I was born into a Muslim family but am now an agnostic. I believe the problems are mostly due to the different religions in the world and the choice people make to blindly follow them. You can look into the history of almost all major religions and you will see a very bloody past. Christianity too was responsible for a lot of bloodshed. But as the people of that faith evolved with time and became less stringent about following it and with the increase in their education they became less violent.( Even now there are some people from this faith responsible for mass killings.) Islam is relatively new compared to it. As its followers become more educated and time passes I hope to see it too evolving into one which generates fewer violent people.

    But then probably some other new religion will come on the scene to cause problems.. It is just human nature. We have been killing each other forever and we will continue to do so. Religion is just a convenient excuse for people to do bad things... An educated mind is the only defense we have against this.

  • 6187

    Gandalf has a point, guys. When terrorism becomes the talk of the century, you know they're starting to win. Learn to say "fuck them, I do what I want, I'm not gonna get scared into staying home."

  • 6190


    I'm sorry my english is not good..

    I know very well the Islamic faith I was a Muslim, I come from a muslim family, and now I'm agnostic too. I wanted to mention this; Koran gives Muslims the death warrant, so he loves to kill every non-muslim because it is God's order. Now why Christians or Jews or Buddhists do not kill; because they do not apply their holy book.

    I agree with you, only education will reduce the Islamic terrorism.

  • 6195

    Gandalf said:

    Just a little thought: The goal of bombings and shootings like this is to cause outrage and fear, i.e. literal “terror”. So far Europe's reaction has been precisely that. Maybe chilling out a little isn't such a bad thing.

    Of course but of tv and on the radio you only hear like post-attck drama things, that's what bothers me. But I agree with you tho.
