[Resolved] Scripts won't load

Posts: 3 · Views: 46
  • 5661

    Since a couple of days, scripts fail to load on WallHaven for me.... this is because the scripts are references by 'http://' instead of 'https://'

    http://sharex.ennevanziel.nl/image/2015-10-04_09-28-09.png ( image showing the issue -- I cant add it to this post directly due to non-functioning scripts xD )

    Any tips/ fixes? :D

  • 5662

    No problems for me. In general it doesn't matter if a script gets loaded via SSL or normal HTTP, unless the server forces it to one or another. Do you have any plugins or addons, which might cause this error?

    The referenceError is just because build-0.5.1-1.min.js depends on jquery.

    Did you try to open both directly? What happens?

    http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js http://alpha.wallhaven.cc/assets/build-0.5.1-1.min.js

    Did you try another browser, just to check what happens? Try to clear your browser chache (ctrl +F5).

  • 5663

    Ah, I figured it out.....

    Someone in my household had blocked all JavaScript to load in the Router settings -- what? -- hence they would only work in https xD because the router could not detect the file format :P

    I'm sorry to have bothered you guys ~
