Collections - Nested, Icon, DownloadAll

Posts: 3 · Views: 101
  • 5611

    Hey, new user here =) I never registered on a wallpaper site before, but I kinda like this one, and since it's in Alpha, it's still full of promises!

    Nested Collections

    I'm a compulsive hoarder you see ? But even worse, i'm a sorter maniac. Managing my collections is where i'll spend the most of my time. And i love it when i can customize these extensively. I'd love a "Nested Collections" system, where I have multiples childs and parents collections. Check my Scenery collection : I'd love to have 2 childs collections inside it : Landscapes, and Space. And inside my child collection Space, i'd love to sort them between Bright Nebulaes, Cloudy Nebulaes and Stars. When you click on Scenery, you have the actual content of Scenery (= you see every pictures inside this collection + every pictures of each child collections, recursively) When you click Space, you have the content of Space (= this collection, and each child recursively, but not parents content) This would be great

    But i'd like to go one level deeper, and add the same collection in various places. Imagine this example (> is depth) :


    Anime girls with sniper rifles Weapons Sniper rifles

    Anime girls with sniper rifles Real sniper rifles Here, i'd like Anime girls with sniper rifles to be the same

    Conceptually, a Collection would then become

    • Everything a collection already is (= header, list of images ID, etc...)
    • Add a list of Parent Collection ID
    • Add a list of Child Collection ID

    Parent Collection ID == Void means it's in the top (where current collections are)

    Now, for the user experience, how would he manage his collections ? Personally, i wouldn't mind a Collection Editor mode (i like designing a good architecture, even if it takes me time). Such an editor would replace the thumbnails list, show us our entire collection architecture and allows us to drag/drop and create symlinks in a WYSIWYG way. Visually, something like this:

    But something lighter would be possible (click on a button, allows us to edit ParentCollectionList & ChildCollectionList fields : displays all collections, choose one to add/remove) Some checks would be needed on removal of a collection, and on inf. loop (for loops, retrieve content of collection recursively IF current collection ID is not noted. For each collection whose content is retrieved, note the ID)

    I'd really love this feature to be present, as it's absent from nearly-every pics sites

    _____ Icon & Collection names

    I also want to change the current folder icon, upload my own icon instead or even use a resized version of WallHaven's picture. Bonus : also replace the collection name by an image (max 90 * 20, something like that). I'm no artist, but this pic explains better:

    Those actions would be done in the "rename collection" tab.

    _____ Download All

    A button to download everything the collection contains. In bonus, add a .txt with information about each pics (tags, collection, etc..) Would be neat if added before alpha wipe, so we can find/reup the image easily


    Icon/DownloadAll are customization/Usability bonuses, but Nested Collections is the one feature i'd love to see (Even if it's just a small thing, at the start). I'm aware it would change quite a bit in both front & back end, and would take some time. If you like the idea, but don't have the time to do it, I could maybe do it (I'm an IT guy with experience in C/C++/Python+Django. But i have 0 knowledge in php/only played with JS rapidly. So toying with php, reading your BitBucket & finally branching it and implement this might take a while)

    Thanks for reading =)

  • 5612

    The devs will ofc give the final answer, but here is my two cents.

    Firstly, I find that the best way to do this is to download the wallpaper onto your computer and sort them there. If your OS's folder structure cannot support it, we should not be expected to either. Secondly, can't you just name your collections with a hyphen?

    Icon and Collection Names :Strongly against it. Its bad enough controlling avatars. I cannot imagine how dirty and garish and messy custom icons and titles will make this site.

    Download all : Bandwidth concerns. We are a free ad-free site after all.

  • 5707

    Nested Collections Unlikely to happen for at least quite a while, and probably never to the extent you describe. What you're asking for is, like lezboyd said, pretty much the simulation of a file system, and that's just not their purpose. Collections are a fairly simple concept and very few users ever need anything more than that (many don't even bother to create more than the default one). On the other hand, a lot of users would very likely be put off by a complicated system that requires more than a quick glance to comprehend. Consider, that not everything that seems easy to you is easy for everyone else.

    I could imagine a basic tree-like structure (i.e. a parent-child relationship without cycles/symlinks). This would be a lot less trouble to implement, but it's also trivial to emulate by using prefixed collection names (like “anime/girls”). So don't hold your breath.

    We're also expecting to make it possible for a wallpaper to be added to multiple collections in the future.

    Icons A definite ‘no’ on those. In addition to lezboyd's concern about moderating them, this would also require us to create an entire subsystem for uploading and storing the files, with very little benefit (since I doubt any significant number of users would care enough to use it). However a simple enough replacement for this would be to allow users to set one wallpaper as a collections “representative” wallpaper, which would mean that this wallpaper's thumbnail is always used as the collection's thumbnail.

    Download all Has been requested several times before. We'd be glad to offer this feature and we hope we'll be able to in the future. For now it's simply too much for our server to handle.

    I'm sorry to shoot down most of your ideas, you clearly put some thought into them. I hope this reply helps understand the reasons.
