Planned Features

Posts: 69 · Views: 2667
  • 8727

    Where do I find other sizes of a wallpaper, if it's merged? I recently received a notification 'your reported wallpaper has been merged' and I couldn't find anything like '1 other resolutions'. This is the one that has been merged with a duplicate.

    1920 x 108058

  • 8740

    When a wallpaper has been merged it means it was deleted and only the wallpaper it was merged into remains. Favs and tags are transferred to the other wallpaper.

  • 8749

    Please you can "enable" an option that allows me to navigate in a basic version of the web? like Gmail... "Loading standard view | Load basic HTML (for slow connections)" my internet speed is a crap... and i have long time been unable to spend the first 2 pages because they take too long to load.

  • 8756

    JorgeR Not sure what you mean. Images are by far the largest part that needs to be loaded and there isn't much point in visiting our site without images…

  • 8767

    Gandalf JorgeR

    Maybe he means to have a site option that uses pagination? So it doesn't keep loading as you scroll, but rather lets you load 'x' number of images per page? I can't really see how it would be faster though, as the site still only loads one 'page' at a time anyway... otherwise you're right. Not much to do about reducing load times on a site that serves images only...

    I guess there could be an option that changes the number of images loaded with each 'page', but if a users internet is that slow it would still take forever to get through any number of images...

  • 8772

    Gandalf said:

    When a wallpaper has been merged it means it was deleted and only the wallpaper it was merged into remains. Favs and tags are transferred to the other wallpaper.

    so no other resolutions now? if so, what if one of the duplicates has bigger/smaller size? which one remains?

  • 8784

    For Favorites Management, is it at all feasible to have a more file manager-like type of system where you can checkmark multiple walls at a time and then be able to move those into a different folder? The current system where you can only drag n' drop a single wall at a time, it's a step forward then how it was before, but it's still pretty tedious if you have a lot to reorganize.

  • 8793

    @dwemer said:

    so no other resolutions now? if so, what if one of the duplicates has bigger/smaller size? which one remains?

    Staff members manually merge the wallpapers in the way that makes the most sense. We usually keep two different resolutions around (the largest available plus one of the most common resolutions, like 1920x1080). If two uploads are identical in size and quality we keep the older one.

    jwalk Feasible is everything, question is what's worth the effort. We're likely going to invest more time in the future into making the favs management better but for now it serves its purpose.

  • 9015

    I'm loving the color pallete generator. Has there been any progress made in that area? It'd be really enabling to search for wallpapers in the same colors.


  • 9872

    A page to view all your 'seen' wallpapers would be great! That way you can avoid downloading duplicate walls or re-download em if the old ones get nice to keep track

    Added 2016-08-01 08:36:53

    A page to view all your 'seen' wallpapers would be great! That way you can avoid downloading duplicate walls or re-download em if the old ones get nice to keep track

  • 10145

    So when's toplist for different dates comming? key feature that should have been there since day 1

  • 10148

    miniphobia actually it's already there. In search you should choose sorting by 'relevance' or 'views', whatever you like, and there goes your toplist. I know it's not what your question was about but we already have something similar we could use until true toplist comes.

  • 10165

    @dwemer said:

    miniphobia actually it's already there. In search you should choose sorting by 'relevance' or 'views', whatever you like, and there goes your toplist. I know it's not what your question was about but we already have something similar we could use until true toplist comes.

    Thing is, if you sort that by views you get the same old wallpapers that was the top when the site was new. After wallbase went down.

    Sorry if my comment came of like a spoiled entitled brat. Wasn't intended like that :)

  • 10767

    It'd be really nice to be able to select a specific resolution to browse random with. I have UHD and I want to be able to just look at UHD wallpapers without browsing for something specifically. I'm sure I'm not the only one. And since UHD is starting to really become a thing... I think it'd be an appropriate time to include this feature.

    EDIT: Anddddd I just figured out how to do it. So nvm. While I'm being annoying and complaining tho... Hasn't this site been in development for like 5 years after wallbase went down now? I'm assuming whoever is running it isn't very dedicated to it at this point? Site has a lot of potential but I basically forgot abut it because it just doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Maybe i'm being ignorant by saying that but it's difficult to believe the site has much direction when the thing hasn't even entered beta in like 5 years lol

    Last updated
  • 10825

    Gandalf you and your team are doing great. Just don't shut this website down. It's literally a heaven of wallpapers.

  • 12459

    I would love if the search function could have the ratio sarch included. I usee ultrawide and it is a pain to get new WP.

  • 13114

    Perhaps a download all function for collections? I'd rather download a zip than individually click and download 700+ images. However with the merge you guys did for some wallpapers i could see that causing an issue, say if one has a collection dedicated to 1920 x 1080, but the merger changed a few to have the larger size. Again, I'm sorry if that function exist and I didn't notice it.

  • 13477

    May have already been added, single click to download or at the least single click to open image in new tab is a n e c e s s a r y feature. Right click to save is tedious. Site will be unusable if this is not updated
