Why the odd resolution

Posts: 4 · Views: 81
  • 5430

    Ok whats up whit those odd resolution wallpapers?

    Where would someone need an 2120 x 5800or 11419 x 1570 ? I mean great art but where the hell will I use it without editing it first?

    I had the impression that this is an community site for sharing wallpapers(desktop wallpapers primarily), not "soon to be" wallpapers.

    If you are lazy enough to pick an appropriate portion/angle of the image for cropping and than crop it to at least resembles a common resolution, why bother with the upload? Why not put it on Imgur and make a request/challenge here on the forums?

    Im ok with images with a little off size from the most common resolution size, even a very strange size from time to time is acceptable, but I find this uploads in bulk of oddly sized images... polluting to the great content on this site and the purpose to the site.

    I think its way better to have them posted on the forums first, and maybe discussing we can find creative ways to make nice wallpapers from any image that doesn't fit any screen.

  • 5438

    There are both ratio and resolution filters. If you don't want to see "odd" resolutions, use them.

  • 5441

    I don't really remember how Windows handles wallpapers but at least on any linux desktop I've used in the past years you don't need a perfectly cropped/scaled wallpaper. It'll just do that for you, and I'd be surprised if Windows can't do that as well. Which means I actually prefer a wallpaper version that is not cropped, because my laptop's resolution is a little old (though actually very common, 1280x800 at 16:10). So if you had a wallpaper at an odd resolution and you crop it to 16:9, it actually becomes worse for me.

  • 5481

    The other thing is that we ask users to upload original versions where possible.
