Wouldnt this be a good thing?

Posts: 3 · Views: 117
  • 3619

    Please use more descriptive titles in the future.

    I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have one of these, so here ya go.

  • 3650

    @greatwoohoo said:

    We are all new here. This is not facebook so you don't need to introduce yourself to others. GG

    You don't need to, but what if someone would like to? I think it's great idea. Which is why I went and did it! It's a great way for users who don't really have any other initiative to get invold with the forum; Introduce yourself and you might like it.


  • 3657

    @greatwoohoo The site is one and a half years old. The forums aren't, but some people have been aware of each other for quite a while now. And not everybody already has a reputation like you, aka ”the guy who never posts anything useful”.
