Wallheaven ripoff

Posts: 3 · Views: 189
  • 18802

    Don't really know if you know or care, but I think you might be interested in this website https://wallhere.com/ from what I see is a 90proc rip-of wallheaven even user profiles and their uploads with all specs ripped mine, for example, I never made any account or upload anything in there https://wallhere.com/vi/user/462

  • 18803

    Yeah, I've seen it too sometimes when searching through google, and I think there is more than one.

  • 18804

    they know about that ripoff site That's one of reasons why i don't upload much anymore because it takes then less than 1h and your fresh uploads are on their site already Checked that yesterday , waiting for the new API

    P.s there should be posts on forum about this but if you searched by link it won't work, Gandalf himself removed them
