400 Bad Request on batch upload

Posts: 5 · Views: 180
  • 16348

    When I try to upload more than 1 file at once, only one works, the others fall in 400 Bad Request

    The exact body response is :

    <html> <head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head> <body bgcolor="white"> <center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center> <hr><center>cloudflare-nginx</center> </body> </html>

    If you need to dig in the logs I tried an upload at Mon, 26 Feb 2018 18:28:32 GMT

    Added 2018-02-26 18:36:03

    I am using Firefox 56, no VPN nor Proxy.

  • 16365

    This has been happening to me on firefox for a long time now. Even before Quantum. Pretty much why I've stopped uploading. I mean between that and Code 0 theres nothing I can do. If I use Opera, I get mostly Code 0. I've sorta chalked it up to my pathetic internet but its really aggravating watching them hit 99% and then Code 0.

    Well whaddaya know..Actually succeeded in uploading something while I was typing this. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • 16366

    Next time you guys try and upload something can you time how long it takes before it fails?

    So click upload, and let me know how long passes until it fails.

  • 16369

    It depends of the file, and the progress bar behaves normally, so my guess is that the file is totally uploaded then the request fails at the very end.

    Perhaps a solution would be to bypass Cloudflare for uploads.

  • 16696

    I have been experiencing the same problems Additionally, if i try to upload single images it claims i have reached my daily upload quota, while in reality i managed to succesfully upload one single file
