
Posts: 5 · Views: 383
  • 15416

    Ok i'm kind of tired when you do a search about almost anything that girls in bikini or girls asses appear in the search. Cant you do a special categorie for them that includes all types of girls in different scenery ? So when i type "sea" or anything else i dont see them anymore cause the search is kind of difficult.

  • 15417

    The problem stems from users tagging superficially, ie. the sea isn't the subject of the photo, it's the naked model prancing around on the beach, and yet sea still gets added. Honestly, I've gotten tired of policing every single wp on here and learned to live with it. Better search has been something we've been asking for ages. It'll come Soon™.

  • 15419

    I think it's very easy: search for sea and go just for 'General' :)

  • 15421

    Thanks sevendark it help a lot ;)
