Post more than 15 wallpapers for a given anime ?

Posts: 3 · Views: 92
  • 14409


    I'd like to know if I could upload more than 15 wallpapers from a single anime.

    I liked Eromanga-sensei so much I watched it a second time and picked about 80 screenshots which, I believe, would do quite well as wallpapers. The quality is pretty good but I still wish to apply waifu2x ( to get rid of some imperfections and upscale it as I noticed it gives an overall better result once applied as a wallpaper.

    Since I haven't seen screenshots of anime here, I guess you could be reluctant about the idea so let me just show you one for example and you tell me if it passes or not: original (1080p screenshot): [url][/url] Noise reduction and upscaled x1.6: [url][/url]

    It might not seem obvious at first glance but the second one is less blurry around the traits, colors look slightly more vibrant and all that while being upscaled, giving a great result when used on a resolution above 1080p (it looks waaay better on my 1440p monitor).

    Also, they're all pretty diverse, for the most part, as you can see from this sample: [url][/url]

    So basically, 1) Can I post what are basically enhanced screenshots of anime ? 2) Can I post more than 15 of them ?

  • 14411

    1) Quality looks decent enough to me. 2) The rule of 15 is concerned with sets, i.e. pictures that are visually closely related, such as individual photo shoots. Whether or not your screenshots belong together in that sense mostly depends on how similar they are. Shot from the same scene would definitely belong into one "set", while shots from the same series don't necessarily have to. From your thumbnail screenshot I'd say they are diverse enough to justify more than 15. However you should still upload them in reasonable portions. Ideally stagger them across several days so people won't have to scroll through a solid wall of the same type of wallpapers on the Latest page.

  • 14412

    Thanks for the quick reply ! I wasn't sure I understood this rule correctly, I went on IRC to ask and was advised to ask here to be sure.

    I'll make sure to post them sparsely enough.
