Seen tags not loading

Posts: 3 · Views: 107
  • 13384

    The 'Seen' tags are showing up on thumbnails when I open a wallpaper in another tab but are gone when I refresh or load a different page (like my subscriptions). Looking into the LocalStorage using the dev console it seems that you're trying to store seen wallpapers as an array in 'wallhaven.seen_wallpapers' but every time I load a wallpaper it's being replaced by an array with only the new entry and even that is ignored on load.

    I'm running Google Chrome Version 60.0.3080.6 (Official Build) dev (64-bit) on Windows 7.

  • 13389

    That's interesting, I've not hard of any issues like that so far. Have you checked to make sure there are no settings in your browser preventing access/persistent storage of the data in localStorage? Maybe any Addons that may be interfering?

  • 13402

    Okay. I tested it without addons and it still wasn't working. As for settings, I haven't changed anything recently and can't find anything that mentions localstorage at all but Chrome likes to hide the advanced settings so maybe I missed it. I haven't been having issues with localstorage on other sites or even local .html files. At this point I'm thinking it's a JavaScript issue with in the Chrome dev version I'm running. I'll check the Chrome support pages to see if I can learn anything.

    Edit - OK. After some more debugging I discovered that the hasOwnProperty function was sometimes failing to return the correct value and causing your code to believe that there was no 'wallhaven.seen_wallpapers'. According to the Chrome bug tracker, hasOwnProperty has been acting up for a few months now and they are currently working on a fix. So it seems it was a Chrome issue after all.

    Last updated
