Dropzone question

Posts: 4 · Views: 48
  • 13362

    I noticed you guys have the function so I thought I would ask. I am also using dropzone on my site but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to check for an already uploaded image and display "file exists" if found. I have found code that lets me know the file is already in the dropzone box but not if the image is on the server. Please help.

  • 13364

    Currently it's using a pretty simple method. Basically you just need to check if a generated hash exists in a database, and if it does, throw back an error.

    We'll be moving to a more complicated system soon. One that uses IQDB as the backend for that database. With that our dupe detection should be much, much more accurate.

  • 13365

    Dropzone doesn't do that. You have to upload the file to the server, have some code there check for existing files (e.g. compare hashes in a database) then respond accordingly.

  • 13366

    Sounds good. I already add the files in a database, and know how to check if it's there, but I'm not sure how to implement it so it stops the upload.

    Here's the code I have (it came with the plugin, not my code)

    function dropzonejs_upload() {

    if ( !empty( $_FILES ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_REQUEST['my_nonce_field'], 'protect_content' ) ) {
        $uploaded_bits = wp_upload_bits(
            null, //deprecated
            file_get_contents( $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] )
        if ( false !== $uploaded_bits['error'] ) {
            $error = $uploaded_bits['error'];
            return add_action( 'admin_notices', function() use ( $error ) {
                    $msg[] = '<div class="error"><p>';
                    $msg[] = '<strong>DropzoneJS & WordPress</strong>: ';
                    $msg[] = sprintf( __( 'wp_upload_bits failed,  error: "<strong>%s</strong>' ), $error );
                    $msg[] = '</p></div>';
                    echo implode( PHP_EOL, $msg );
        $uploaded_file     = $uploaded_bits['file'];
        $uploaded_url      = $uploaded_bits['url'];
        $uploaded_filetype = wp_check_filetype( basename( $uploaded_bits['file'] ), null );
               $upload_basedir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads';
        if ( file_exists("$upload_basedir/$uploaded_file")) {  }


    I was gonna try and run that before the upload starts but no luck.
