Looking to communicate with the developer(s) of this amazing project

Posts: 6 · Views: 153
  • 13157

    I'd love to have the opportunity to talk with the developer(s) of this project. I have some tech questions. I'm a professional web developer and I'm starting a side project.

    Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction.

  • 13164

    Wow, Obseek thanks for the info, I honestly didn't expect to get a reply this quickly.

    Hello Gandalf,

    Firstly I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm very impressed with what has been built here. Wallhaven has always delivered a smooth Front-end experience.

    I'm wondering what technologies you guys are using on the back-end to be able to handle infinity scrolling. Those calls to the db must be intense.

    I have a unique idea that I can't seem to find online related to video games so I plan on building out this idea. I'm using the experience I get from wallhaven as my primary source of inspiration.

    This website will also include a tag system, perhaps applied differently then here.

    For now that's all I can say. I'm just interested on any advice and experience you can pass on.

  • 13165

    There's a section in the FAQ that lists most of the things we use. Search is handled by elasticsearch. In a way it works like a cache around the sql database that is very fast for things like pagination. Other than that we're using Laravel (PHP framework) for our backend with some redis for caching stats. Personally I wouldn't mind using Python instead (maybe Flask) but it's decent to work with either way. Oh and there's also Cloudflare, which helps a lot. It caches a lot of the common requests so they don't even have to reach our server.

    If you're building something new, start simple. Avoid optimizing things before you know what actually needs optimizing. It's always possible to add some caching later.

  • 13227

    Very interesting! Thank you for your insight. With my work, they choose to use mostly the .Net world ( T-SQL, MVC, etc ) We've experienced and resolved our first deadlock with our databases which was an interesting learning experience.

    Thanks again for the information, If anything comes of this thing I have been thinking about doing I'll be sure to send you a message.

    Once again, Thanks for this website.
