Geek/Nerd wallpaper request

Posts: 7 · Views: 247
  • 7922

    I've got this photo of a Czech actress. I'd like to have it as a widescreen wallpaper. Maybe a "Smart is the new Sexy" text, a maths/science reference/joke, Einstein's quote or just some interesting background.

    Anything will do, as long as it's simple and clean. I tried myself but failed terribly. My screen res. is 1366x768. The image itself is 1024 px high, so that shouldn't be a problem. If the request is too vague, then I guess I could be a bit more specific, but I really don't care what it'll be. I just think that her alone might make the wallpaper feel a bit empty. I dunno, as of now, I'd say just make it look good. Any efforts appreciated.

    Added 2016-04-06 18:59:55

    As an example:

    It's the Tupper's self-referential formula, which with the given k value plots "smart is sexy". Unfortunately I don't have the k value anymore, so you'll just have to trust me on that. But overall it doesn't look that good. I can't change the background, as I can't do proper masking. And I feel it could do with some vignette (on a black bg, yeah) or some other post processing/filters, something more...

    Last updated
  • 7932

    sannukas0016 Cool, thanks! I like how you've extended the background. I can't make it seamlessly transition into the image itself.

  • 7934

    There's only one truly beautiful formula in mathematics, the rest are just applications.

    1920 x 108023PNG

  • 7956

    Thanks everyone. I settled on a mandelbrot set and a lame Pi joke. A bit of contrast editing and it looks decent in my opinion.

    1808 x 10242PNG

  • 8310

    Gandalf said:

    There's only one truly beautiful formula in mathematics, the rest are just applications.

    1920 x 108023PNG

    Good job bro.

    Nice job bro.
