Wallbase backup

Posts: 2 · Views: 109
  • 6938

    Hi! You said you have a backup of about 99% of wallbase uploads, and when the Alpha™ ends, we will have it here on wallhaven. I think what: what if we(I mean you) tag all from wallbase(I mean only those who were backed up) with 'Wallbase' tag or something? Such legacy. wow. and in the far future(i think about 2045 or something, when singularity starts) we will crawl on the site and see them and we could say '...back in my days!..' and newfags could say 'dafuq is that wallbaes' and so on. What do you think?

  • 6941

    Something similar is planned. We plan to have a generic "wallbase" user (name undecided, but will probably be "wallbase"), under which all the legacy uploads will go.
