Migrant crisis in Europe

Posts: 9 · Views: 154
  • 5311

    It's a very human thing to do to feed the unfortunate people in this world. Keep it up Europe, you guys are giving to humanity what we Arabs destroyed with out own hands. No need to worry from these people, they are good people. Respect from Libya :D

  • 5313

    Just a friendly warning for future posts. Keep the conversation civil, as it has been so far. No racist rants or implied racism.

  • 5314

    AgEnTx19 said:

    It's a very human thing to do to feed the unfortunate people in this world. Keep it up Europe, you guys are giving to humanity what we Arabs destroyed with out own hands. No need to worry from these people, they are good people. Respect from Libya :D

    It's also a very human thing to bite off more than you can chew. Even the wealthiest European countries already have difficulties supporting their existing populations (not as much as other parts of the world, but that doesn't mean it's one big utopia). Refugees can easily get lost in the system and it doesn't help anyone if they end up in ghettos or turn to crime. There are already problems and the Syrians haven't even been fully resettled. Migrants can be good or bad like anyone else. This could be about anything other than mass migration and the problem would still be giving into guilt without thinking 5-10+ years down the line.

  • 5326

    photon said:

    I don't understand why migrants would want to go to the UK if they are part of the cause why there in this situation

    I don't think it's so much "want to go", more "have to get away". I haven't really payed much attention to this case lately, call me cynical. But I have met some immigrants living in my country and I'll tell you, most of them certainly wish their situation was different. Seeing as how I work part-time as a bartender I tend to talk with some of them.

  • 5332

    At one point during the Islamic golden age (known in Europe as Dark ages), it was the Europeans who were fleeing to the middle east, and the Muslim empire embraced them with open arms.

    It's all part of the circle of life Every day, babies are born, people die getting out of bed or in a war zone, people become rich, others become homeless...etc No need to panic. In fact, panic adds to the chaos. Just take things in life easily and accept things the way they are. It's just history repeating itself. Those of you who read books will know what I mean. Take care everyone, and be nice to other people.

  • 5342

    Hungary acts a bit harsh if you ask me. Building up walls, sending tons of army/police/security whatever to sort them out in trains. They are afraid of what? Migrants said themselves they do not intend to stay in Hungary just pass through it to get to Germany or other Northern countries.

  • 5369

    I've been following this migrant crisis for a while now and I see both sides to the story. I live in Serbia currently and this is quite the hot topic here these days. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have already crossed through Serbia and many more are expected to come. These are some of my thoughts:

    • These people are escaping war, poverty, terrorism, hunger, etc. How bad the situation must be in their country that they decide to embark on thousands of kilometers long journey on foot, with little children, babies, pregnant women, etc. To cross a sea in shittiest possible boats/rafts just for the hope of better life. So I feel for them and what would you do in their situation, I would probably do the same.
    • They expect a lot from EU and complain when there is a lack of help and resources towards them. Taking care of a sudden avalanche of hundreds of thousands of people must be really difficult economically and politically for all the country involved. It's not like European countries are swimming in money. They expect jobs but there might not even be enough jobs for European citizens as well. It is hard to take care of that people at once, it can be economically damaging.
    • I feel like Serbia has been superb in treating immigrants, providing them with food, medical assistance and no harassment. BUT that is only because we know nobody want's to stay here. Even our own people want to get out of here. If Serbia was like Germany, we would too try to stop the immigrants to reach our land.
    • Germany says they will allow refugee status to any immigrants that reach their land and ask for it. Key word: REACH THEIR LAND. That's why immigrants are stuck in Hungary and that's why the wall with Serbia was built. It's not a Hungarian decision.

    So in my opinion, countries should band together and try to split the burden to house and take care of these people. No one country can do it on it's own. All eyes should be on the US and EU since this crisis is a result of their military involvement.

  • 5402

    If the EU accepts the asylum seekers today, who will take them in tomorrow ? Europe has finite resources, How do you explain to a pensioner that he will have to go cold and hungry this winter due to the money he has to fight the system for, has gone to asylum seekers from the middle east. No question that some of the thousands do need help, but all of them. How many of the middle east countries have helped out in this crisis ? It is a complex issue that the EU must answer, but not at the expense of their own people.
