[Feature Request] Upload collections

Posts: 5 · Views: 35
  • 4930

    Hey everyone,

    this is something I was thinking about since a few days. When I fav a wallpaper I am able to sort those favs in collections, which makes it more clear.

    It would be great to have the same for uploads, so that I can sort my uplaods, and if someone visites my profile/uploads, he can choose from different collections. That would make it a lot easier to check out different kind of wallpapers, espeacially if someone is following you or vice versa.

    Or would you suggest, that an uploader does favor his own uploads to save them into different collections?

  • 4936

    Imho putting them in your (favorites) collections should be enough. This isn't facebook, where you eat shit for liking your own posts. Adding your own uploads to collections actually serves a purpose and is completely justified.

    Of course it's kinda dumb if somebody just favs all his uploads into their default collection so they'll have more favs, but I think if that helps them feel good about themselves why should we care.

  • 4937


    I am fine with that solution. I just wanted to ask before I do so. Well, I will do so after the alpha ends. I am having more than 150.000 wallpaper and a way to sort and categorize them after I uploaded them (not all) is great to have.

    Thank you for your answer. :)

  • 4939

    Pheaton said:

    I am having more than 150.000 wallpaper …

    Wait, what?

  • 4940

    Gandalf said:

    Pheaton said: I am having more than 150.000 wallpaper …Wait, what?

    :P Downloaded over more than 10 years. Most of them are stored on an usb-drive. I am a compulsive hoarder when it comes to files on my pc. I always think, that I might need them sometime later. In most cases I never touch them again. ;)

    But as I started here on wallhaven I finally started sorting those wallpapers and deleted more than 10.000 already. So in the end it's a good thing. Some of them are really just crab and low in quality.
