[Bug Report Forum] Posts out of order

Posts: 2 · Views: 18
  • 4854

    Hi there,

    in case you didn't see it - As you can see in this thread, the last posts are out of order: Guidelines for Tagging, Flagging, etc...

    It looks like that the li jumped out of the ul. Tryed to find the reason via dev console, but wasn't able to see anything which caused it. No wrong floats or anything.

    Anyhow - Just wanted to point it out.

    Edit: Browser is Chrome 44.0.2403.155. But it looks the same in other browsers, like edge or ff.

  • 4858

    Yeah that's the list BBcode. The library we're currently using takes a very rudimentary search-and-replace approach which will, among other things, replace every [ * ] with the html <li> tag regardless of context. If this happens outside a [ list ] BBcode (e.g. in a quote) it breaks the forum's layout as you noticed. Once we've redone the BBcode/Markdown this shouldn't be an issue anymore, so for now we'll just fix those posts as they happen.

    If you're savvy enough, make sure your lists a formatted properly. ;)
