*Monkey script for removing AI art from the main page

Posts: 3 · Views: 74
  • 35493

    I was getting really tired from AI art from main page, and since there is no built-in way to disable it, I've decided to create a script that removes all such art.

    I've tested this script only with FireMonkey extension, but it should probably work with other similar extensions like ViolentMonkey or TamperMonkey

    [EDIT] Decided to stop being lazy and made a proper version that does not require code editing: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/495153-wallhaven-hide-ai-art-from-main-page

    [old message content] For script to work you have to paste your API key on line 12, i.e. replace '' with 'YOUR_API_KEY'. Script: https://pastebin.com/Cm80p4Fk

    Last updated
  • 35497

    Did you try pressing the giant button next to "General," "Anime," "People" labeled "AI Art?"

  • 35499

    Yes, it does not affect art displayed on the main page. Neither does tag blacklist settings.
