And Yet, the Tag Abuse Persisted.

Posts: 4 · Views: 104
  • 35380

    I can't believe I have to make one of these threads AGAIN, but whoever added the "Nazi" tag to FORTY-FIVE images just now to random wallpapers tagged with "Russia" and "Ukraine," knock it off. This is the third or fourth time.

  • 35382

    It was another troll account that has been dealt with.

  • 35390

    A bit offtopic, but just wanted to thank you for doing this thankless job. (lack of) Moderation is often complained about, but nobody notices all the cases that were actually dealt with...

  • 35391

    TheQwertiest thanx for appreciation. In 10 years you are probably the first one. Hopefuly not the only one ;) We are keep going...
