Can't access my subscription

Posts: 3 · Views: 64
  • 35188


    i can't access my subscription

    it is says

    This page isn’t working right can't currently handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

    now i have lots of notifications for wallpapers can't see

    can you fix this please


  • 35210

    No Answer from developers?

  • 35221

    I Found a workaround by manually clearing your "Unseen" subscriptions.

    1. Login to your account

    2. Right-click anywhere on the site and Select "Inspect" or "Inspect Element" from the menu.

    3. Press "CTRL + F" to open the search function and Search for "csrf-token" within the HTML.

    4. Copy YOUR unique token, which will be in the format similar to: name="csrf-token" content="ABC123def456GhiJklMNop123234456xyzzyxzyx12">.

    5. Paste your token at the end of the following link:

    6. Your link should look similar to this:

    7. Enter the link with YOUR token into the address bar press Enter. Wait for the page to refresh and you should be able to access your subscriptions now.

    Last updated
