[Request] Sort by dimensions

Posts: 4 · Views: 73
  • 2926

    Couldn't find this in the Planned Features section, so creating this thread. :)

    I believe that it would be a nice addition to be able to sort wallpapers by image dimensions in either ascending or descending order. This would be a nice addition since filtering on absolute resolutions can often hide sizes close by or inbetween filtered resolutions that also might match what the user is looking for. Not to mention that picking out the largest images from search results would be a lot of easier.

  • 3006

    Probably, at some point. (I write that a lot, lately -.-') Though keep in mind we'll also revamp the size options when searching so you can have minimum/maximum sizes, which should help with that as well.

  • 3015

    Gandalf Great idea I propose it gets implanted as a slider. The best implementation of sliders I've seen so far in on pcpartpicker.com, visit the site and browse for any part, say a CPU for example, and have a look at the sliders on the sidebar. What makes it more amazing is when you double click the numbers on the slider, you can type in your own value.

  • 3043

    I only looked at the forums to say this exact thing. Make a sort by number of pixels or something. When I type a vague search term that gives me 30,000+ results and I'm looking specifically for high res, it would make my searching a lot easier. A slider would be useful to limit the number of images, but just being able to sort them would be better for some purposes, including the purpose that brought me to the Forums.
