[bug/very strange feature] Can't add same wallpaper to multiple collections.

Posts: 2 · Views: 65
  • 14387

    It appears that wallpapers can only be included in one collection at a time. This is fine if you only have a single a collection (your default favorites folder) it's more annoying if you have multiple collections and would like for the same image to appear in more than one simultaneously.

    Is there a reason for this behavior?

    I can see the "remove from favorites" HTTP request is quite general and does not specify a collection_id: https://alpha.wallhaven.cc/favorites/delete/<wallpaper_id>?_token=<session_id>. It appears to just remove that wallpaper from whatever collection it is found in (which can be a maximum of one). But the add to favorites HTTP request does specify a collection_id https://alpha.wallhaven.cc/favorites/create?wallID=<wallpaper_id>&collection_id=<collectionID>&_token=<session_id>. Strange.

    Thanks for reading.

  • 27673

    Bump, bump, bump.. I would like to see this implemented as well, just to be able to add a wallpaper to more than one collection would be great!

    Hey developers, can we have this anytime soon? Please :)
