Error 500 when viewing NSFW wallpapers while logged out

Posts: 4 · Views: 100
  • 14894

    Server responds with HTTP status code 500 and 'Whoops, looks like something went wrong.' when you try to view a NSFW wallpaper if you're not logged in.

    Expected behavior: Return 403 and some more descriptive error.

  • 14897

    How are you supposed to see this bug? Looks like you have to know about it to be able to log out on the page with nsfw wall to see the error, since only logged in users can see any nsfw.

  • 14899

    ivkos Thanks for the report!

    @dwemer There are people who don't have an account and links that point directly to NSFW wallpapers.

  • 14907

    Gandalf why forbid nsfw for strangers?
