Simple question, Why was this reported and has been tagged as NSFW?

Posts: 9 · Views: 283
  • 14695

    I didn't upload it, I shouldn't even care about it.

    But it looks like someone got butthurt over the political message of that flag/symbol whatever and reported it, they probably want that image off this website as well.

    You know, if I were an admin of this website I'd keep that reporter off this website.

    I hope admins don't censor that flag and tag it as SFW.

    That's all.

  • 14696

    You can make it SFW yourself, just click the SFW button. I just marked it SFW myself.

    It's removed now anyway. IDK what is that flag about, looked like a shitty meme, didn't seem offensive but I don't know why would anyone use that as wallpaper anyway.

    Last updated
  • 14697

    I tired to make it sfw. But when I refreshed it became NSFW again.

    It's a memeflag used by reddit's the_donald to troll liberals. But that doesn't mean it was (or should be) NSFW or removed. lol

  • 14698

    "No material depicting or promoting hatred or radical propaganda, except when used harmlessly in fiction, art, parodies, etc."

  • 14699

    Obseek said:

    "No material depicting or promoting hatred or radical propaganda, except when used harmlessly in fiction, art, parodies, etc."

    type Nazi on the search field.

  • 14700

    I assume it was the #Kekistan flag? I wouldn't mark it as NSFW, but if you can fathom a person who would find that offensive, and I certainly could:

    I think it's reasonable to let the admins make the decision to mark it as NSFW. Admins are admins because they've been around for a while and don't get butthurt over memes. They're trying to avoid conflicts and keep majority of the userbase happy. You may not like this particular decision, which sucks, but surely there's other places where you can get the image.

    Déjà vu

    Btw, the #kekistan tag crashed my browser because the only two tagged wallpapers are gigantic, and my browser couldn't handle the preview image. Perhaps I should file this as a bug?

  • 14701

    If it's relating to the #kekistan tag then it'll be because of spam, not too long ago I remember seeing 1 uploader, create a page for the sole purpose of uploading 25 variations of the "flag".

  • 14702

    @swift502 said:

    Btw, the #kekistan tag crashed my browser because the only two tagged wallpapers are gigantic, and my browser couldn't handle the preview image. Perhaps I should file this as a bug?

    Works fine for me... Firefox 56.0b4(64bit)

  • 14703

    defurious I was low on RAM, so my browser shut down. It only happened once to me. You can't set big images (>2.5MB) as your profile background for exactly this reason. I just thought maybe for consistency's sake someone would want to implement this restriction on tag's preview images as well.
