Why does Wallbase redirect to Wallhalla?

Posts: 7 · Views: 439
  • 14245

    Out of boredom, I tried to open wallbase.cc and it immediately redirects me to another cool wallpaper site called wallhalla.com Is this site run by the same owner of Wallbase? (Yotoon??) Is it run the ex-staff of wallbase? (just like wallhaven?) Or did the domain expire and was bought by someone else?

  • 14247

    Or did the domain expire and was bought by someone else?

    Damn I goofed and let this slip right past us!

  • 14254

    That was weird. They don't store the wallpapers themselves but sort of act as an aggregator by letting you download the wallpapers in full from different sources including wallhaven. In fact their main sources seem to be us and alphacoders, judging from a few results in Random.

  • 14264

    Looks a lot like Wallhaven. Though we could certainly get inspired in some areas.

    It's planned... I know...

  • 14643


    WallHala seems quite interesting. they credit which sites they source in their about page https://wallhalla.com/site/about. WallHala says it is a "is a wallpaper search engine designed to be fast, feature-rich and above all - useful.", and it seems that they rather not include a NSFW section.

    Neat, more competition/variety in sites the offer wallpaper hopefully will result to better collections of walls for the us.

  • 14644

    Wallhalla is just a search engine, nothing is uploaded to wallhalla, wallpapers link to wallpapers on third-party sites. You can say Wallhalla is like Google for wallpaper
