Collections in uploads

Posts: 8 · Views: 151
  • 14107

    Since there's not many wallpapers different than women on the site I wanted to expand my uploads with some landscapes/nature wallpapers. But I want to split them from my regular women wallpapers. So I was wondering is there a chance to create upload collections like we have in favourites section?

  • 14193

    I know deviantArt has Uploads, Upload folders, Favorites, and Favorite collections. It's basically splitting all uploads/favorites into categorized sets, and an uncategorized pile of uploads. And it works there. It'd be a nice way to categorize walls. But it'd probably require bunch of the site and database redesign.

    Simple upload collections would be nice, but then there'd be very little difference between upload collections and regular collections. It's a tricky issue. +1 from me. Not sure it's something on people's minds though.

  • 14194

    Well the tricky part is subscription. For example all of my subscribers expect to see women wallpapers in they notifications because all of my uploads were always under this tag. When I start to upload other wallpapers they would be confused, I imagine. So I guess subscribers would have to pick not only the profile but upload folders they want to subscribe to...

  • 14195

    You're right. DeviantArt's system would be perfect and solve your problem.

    You could just create a "My women uploads" and hope people know they can subscribe to that collection. But that seems... somewhat inconvenient.

    Again, if people don't see this as a problem it probably won't happen. But we're in Alpha... amiright?

  • 14200

    @swift502 said:

    But we're in Alpha... amiright?

    Exactly, nothing is certain at this point so it's perfect time for posting an ideas.

  • 14205

    I +1 better upload organization. Mainly for my peace of mind lol but also to help when browsing by user since we don't have search by user yet. Or better search (i know i know..its coming Soon™)

  • 14214

    I've rejected this one before but if it keeps popping up we may need to reconsider.

    Personally I don't see the point. We already have regular collections so you can just add your uploads to a regular collection if you want people to be able to subscribe to them in categories. It seems mostly redundant to me. At the same time I'm afraid adding this option may further complicate the uploading process (a lot of people are already having difficulties).

    Another point is that this will require quite a few changes as it would also affect subscriptions. It seems like a lot of work for comparably little benefit (most users probably won't use it). I think it's fair to say that, for now at least, we still have more pressing issues to deal with.

  • 14218

    What about this : do not add another kind of collections but allow to add uploads to a collection from the upload page. I too would like to add my uploads to collections but I just don't want to go to every single wallpaper and and them to the collection one by one.

    Another possibility : add all upload to a "Unsorted uploads" collection (undeletable) and people will manage their upload from here (this functionality is called "Caddie" in photos management systems like Piwigo)

    PS: the collections manage lacks a multiselect option to move multiple wallpapers at once.
