I cant see the thumbnails with chrome

Posts: 8 · Views: 122
  • 13968

    The title explain it, i tried to refresh the page or even close chrome and reopen it but still wont show the thumbnails... I'm looking for solution, but im not good to fix issue with chrome since i've never got problems with it.

  • 14001

    Did you read my post? Ctrl+f5 is refreshing the page and I say that it isnt working.

  • 14002

    F5 is refresh, Ctrl+F5 clears the cache as well, which is a common issue.

  • 14003

    Yeah, and it didnt work either. Its the same with mozilla and explorer, i dont really think its about my computer.

  • 14004

    Yeah, you're not alone. Someone else has the same problem: https://alpha.wallhaven.cc/forums/thread/1185

    Could you check in the developer console (Ctrl + Shift + k on Firefox) if there is some kind of error message? I'm expecting something about invalid integrity hashes / CORS headers but it might be something else as well.

  • 14041

    Well it says that wallhaven is not defined, same for $ ( i dont know what it is) Also sha256 from the integrity is not coresponding the sub ressources contents
