[BUG?] Tag Blacklist blocks other tags for having the same or similar word in it

Posts: 2 · Views: 68
  • 13321

    Example: blacklisting "baby" (no quotes) blocks baby animals, #{Vera Baby}, Baby Groot, etc. For some reason, even tags like Babi Rossi and Babi Muniz get blocked. I can see the wallpapers in each individual tag page but clicking more wallpapers or searching for them doesn't provide the correct results.

    I'm assuming this is because of how search works right now so this is probably just an unfortunate side effect rather than a bug. I guess baby could be renamed to be more specific or the tag blacklist gets reworked to function similarly to wallpaper tagging.

  • 13337

    Unfortunately this is one of the current issues with the way we're doing search. Everything (for the most part) is keyword based, not so much tag or exact match based.

    I have few ideas on how to deal with this sort of thing a bit better, so hopefully something will come of if. I'm not happy with the way search is working at the moment.
