And we're back!

Posts: 91 · Views: 3842
  • 35842

    Thank you for your effort! And great postmortem.

  • 35845

    AksumkA said:

    One of the other things that burned me was not having good documentation on what config changes were made to the various services that run the site. Things like memory allocation, number of processes a service can spawn, etc. We had a few short down times after coming back thanks to that (like Elasticsearch's default config only allowing 1GB of memory, whoops). So that's another thing I'll be working on putting together, a document with all these notes.

    etckeeper could also help with that – it basically automatically git-tracks your config changes in /etc. There are probably more "enterprise grade" tools that do something similar but this one is at least easy to use.

    Either way, thanks for getting us back online! Great to see you still taking good care of the site <3 Also love the transparency.

  • 35892

    This is the best wallpaper site I've ever used! Welcome back!

  • 35928

    Don't say sorry, thank you for your hard work, this is the best wallpaper website

  • 35947

    Thank you for all the hard work!

  • 35966

    Thank you for all you do.

  • 36017

    Welcome back.... Nothing can stop you.
