Pulp Style?

Posts: 1 · Views: 38
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    So several of my uploads have been flagged and subsequently deleted because of low-quality, distortions, etc., but the pieces in question are from the covers of Bettie Page comics - they're supposed to look old and worn, as part of the vintage, pulpy style. Not exactly 4k graphics back in the 1960's and 70's. The sources I'm using are from the digital releases of these comics, the ones I'm talking about specifically are from Vol. 6 of the "Bettie Page" series. These images aren't low-quality, again they've just got that vintage style.

    My question is do I use a specific tag or something to let people know that, hey, it's supposed to have that film-grain vintage look to it, it's not distorted, it's just vintage pulp. Or should I just stop making those sorts of wallpapers? One of them had been up for five hours and had 200+ views and three favorites, until someone flagged it for being low-quality. Perhaps it's just an art style not enough people appreciate and I should just quit wasting my time?

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