where can i get this exact image ?

Posts: 3 · Views: 190
  • 8456

    Here. For € 565,00... wow... what? Maybe this one. It's 1024x1024. You could remove the watermark with a bit of work. The question is, where did you find it in the first place. It doesn't seem to be anywhere else.

  • 8458

    @zoe20 are you searching for a specific minimum resolution?

  • 8460

    @zoe20 This one doesn't have a watermark and seems to be transparent. Only 546x600 though.

    Edit: That's the best one I can find. Btw, who spends 840 dollars on a single image?...

    Edit 2: Here's an upscaled version if it helps. Don't think there's much more that can be done here.

    Last updated
