Eternal Alpha???

Posts: 15 · Views: 424
  • 7433

    It seems this site has been had the Alpha tag for years, do you ever intend to enter beta, let alone final, or will it be forever Alpha?

    ::: emma :::

  • 7436

    Better a great Alpha as getting a "404" and see nothing

  • 7437

    why you want so much alpha to end? Is there some function that not are available becouse of alpha? Only name alpha would dissapear and everything would be the same

  • 7439

    current alpha version is 0.5.3 if you want to know

  • 7440

    emmasteadman If you want things to move faster feel free to join the dev team. Until then we'll just proceed at the speed we can afford. ^^

  • 7444

    For what it's worth, I do expect we'll hit beta this year. There are still some pending breaking changes that need to be made before we can move out of alpha.

  • 7457

    I don't understand what is the problem of users with the word "Alpha"

  • 7460

    I think the problem is that people don't like waiting years for beta and plus when beta come All uploads and user accounts will be deleted at the end of the alpha in other words the uploader wallpaper user will suffer for this reason all users are waiting by beta beta will be the final version of the website ?

  • 7471

    AksumkA said:

    Redline, That's the idea.

    Please don't delete any data when you guys enter beta. I don't want any wallpapers or user accounts (mostly my account) to vanish when the site hits beta!

  • 7472

    Yes, don't delete the data of ALL the Uploaders here. They do such a great work. What do other Users think ?

  • 7476

    KamranMackey @wallpapermaniac We don't want to delete any data. The problem is that throughout the time of our alpha a lot of the data has become corrupted in various ways through bugs. It's very difficult to tell exactly how much, so we're obviously hoping to keep as much as possible but we just can't make any promises. That's why we were very clear from the start that we may have to delete a lot of it.

  • 7482

    Gandalf So from a development standpoint I can see the reason for deletion. However, if some is kept and some isn't, is there the possibility of informing the uploaders something has been deleted due to the beta release? or the beta just deletes everything anyways so no reason for a notification?

  • 7512

    mattilius258, we'll be gearing up for beta for some time before it happens so we'll give plenty notice and also be perfectly clear about what exactly is getting wiped (still TBD). This has been our intention since we realised things would get messy and a (second) clean slate was going to be necessary. We are hoping to compromise - keeping existing user accounts is a start, for example.
