I want a LOGO for my YouTube Channel :D HELP!

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    Hi everyone, myy name is Lino and i am YouTuber from Argentina. Recently I was trying to create a logo for my channel, i have some ideas but i don't no how to execute them. I would love you if someone could help me (all credits will go for you obviously). This is the LINK to my channel https://www.youtube.com/c/DiagramerLino , Mosly i upload videos of Gameplay and commentary, but i will upload diverse content on the future. I was thinking about something original, nothing like skulls or anything that has already been seen. It may be an animal that that represent my channel with a color that also represent it, i was thinking gold and black or light blue. A fact: my name is Lino as de seed so you can work something with that to. I also love this abstract effect http://alpha.wallhaven.cc/wallpaper/64418 . I really want something that symbolizes my channel. So, thanks for your time man. If you have any question, answer back. :D Thanks for reading, i appreciate your time. Tell me if you are willing to help me. Bye :D
