
Posts: 6 · Views: 106
  • 6729

    That sounds like an interesting setup, could you post a screenshot of it? It would help us find wallpapers by showing the resolution/orientation of both monitors. Also, check my profile/favorites, all my uploads are dual monitor 3840x1080. might be able to crop some for ya to fit the setup you got going ~ P.s : I have no idea what horiz-vert is. And google didn't help

  • 6733

    3000x3000 would work but a large amount of that picture would be cropped out if your setup is like the diagram i just made(see below). The best fit would probably be a 1920x3000 which isn't very common.. Anything larger than that would work really, but larger you go more of the pic you lose. As for an easier way, well the easiest way would be two different 1920x1080 wallpapers. But if your'e anything like me that's just unacceptable, they gotta blend together. Another way of going at this I can think of is finding a simple pattern you like and copy/pasting it into the right sized image (starting with a high res wall course) I could help ya with making the image, or cropping a larger one to size if you like. Las thing i can think of(which is the first thing you should do)is browsing the wallpapers on this site (set your search terms to only show the 3840x2160 walls, looks like that's the only set resolution here that would fit )

  • 6735

    You're right, reversed the numbers myself. You got what I meant though ~ Anyway, you Should go browse through the 3840x2160 walls on this site, there's 95 pages of em. Just keep in mind you wont get the entire pic when used

    Just set my browsing setting to only show 3000x1920 and there's only a couple, none of which look like they would look all that well once the top bit is removed

    Added 2016-01-09 23:57:39

    Those walls can be cropped to fit your setup anywhere inside the 3840x2160 rectangle you want, like so:

    Last updated
  • 6737

    Shouldn't have to resize them no, just crop out the part you want (in the size of your current setup) You could resize it, but that will likely distort the image reducing the quality. You could really just set the entire image as your wallpaper, but the computer will choose which parts are on screen (I think it centers it by default)

    I'm no pro, and there's likely better/quicker ways.. But the cropping I do is quite simple really: Using a photo editing program open on of the diagrams I made above & select just the blue/red parts(this is the size of your current setup) I use paint.net Now open the picture you chose in a new tab/worksheet paste the diagram on top as a new layer Select the bottom layer (the wallpaper) and disable the diagrams layer(not delete) Your selection box from the diagram should carry down to the wallpapers layer Now drag this box around to the desired spot and cut out the image (ctrl+x, or ctrl+c to copy) think of it like a cookie cutter Create a new image (3000x1920) and paste the cropped image there. Save it, then set it as desktop wallpaper. P.s: wouldn't be any trouble at all to do it for you~

  • 6760

    Glad you found one ! I like the choice as well :) Hows it look once put together? Take a screenshot if your desktop - find the printscreen/screencap key on your keyboard, (if you even have one, noticed you run a mac, I got no knowledge whatsoever using em) press that and then in your photo editor press ctrl+v to paste it .

    Added 2016-01-11 10:21:44

    I'm not sure if there was a problem with downloading it on my phone, but the resolution of the horizontal pic seems off.

    One thing i thought of to makr the cropping much easier for you, instead of using my diagram as the "cookie cutter" you could use a 3000x1920 rectangle - this should have the same effect & will keep the wallpaper all as one image. You will just have to visualize yourself which bits aren't gonna be included (in the top left area)

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