Looking for a wallpaper I lost!

Posts: 5 · Views: 172
  • 5788

    Check out this one. There're several wallpaper like this, but maybe that's the one you're looking for: link

  • 5789

    Yeah it's like this one but I remember that the background was only composed by space and stars, without these yellow and blue/green brushes And how did you find this one :o ? We could, then, find the one we're searching for. Thx.

  • 5790

    If you are using Chrome, then you can right click on an image and select to search this image via google. There you can find similar images. For other browsers there're plugins or extensions to achieve the same. There're also websites where you can upload an image to do a reverse search, but those aren't doing anything which you can't do by yourself via right click. Sometimes you gotta reverse search multiple images, like in a row to crawl deeper, to find the right one.

    Mhhh... Maybe I will write a tutorial for this in the near future, as this kind of question popped up multiple times now.
