Reported wallpapers (wallpaper has been reported)

Posts: 8 · Views: 349
  • 32205

    I think this should be a pinned topic.

    Some (sometimes rather old) wallpapers state that they "have been reported", however, looks like no action has been taken (sometimes for years). Such wallpapers can't be reported again, they just keep cluttering the search results.

    I'll start with this little blurry shitty one:

  • 32207

    As i know there is a long que of reports that moderators have to deal with, so if wallpaper have been already reported it means that it was not reviewed yet.

  • 32218

    Aren't moderation requests supposed to be first in - first out (at least partially)? Otherwise we'll end up in a mess. 🤔

  • 32222

    Everything on this website is done for free (If I remember correctly), and on the spare time of the entire moderation and admin team.

    Not to say there's no incentive for them all to get to the requests, but some reports will generate a lower priority than others, which puts the whole thing on a knockout-list of "we'll get to it when we can".

    I've got wallpapers I reported months ago only just being seen to now. The team have it all under control, otherwise they'd be putting out postings to have people join them.

    They'll manage just fine but there are moments where creating forum posts for this kind of stuff will create an un-needed urgency. To use this post as an example, which is probably just a "Low Quality" report, it's not urgent to deal with these in comparison to something like copyright infringement or other blacklisted sources that they've outlined in their rules. Low Quality is Low Priority.

  • 32224

    I'm not sure how it works, but that wallpaper has 171 likes, so people are digging it. Perhaps what you think is blurry; the artist did on purpose and likes it.

    As the post above me mentioned, this would be ultra low priority since, its a liked submission and does not break any rules other than your opinion, so they just leave it alone. It would save them work down the road for someone else who does not like it to report it for something else.

  • 32234

    Thanks for your opinions guys! Though I find it shocking sometimes, I guess I have to admit it: the "Low Quality is Low Priority" slogan actually fits Wallhaven. So probably we just gotta let it be. 🙂

  • 32246

    I tried to talk about the Sketchy, and NSFW stuff. and I kind of ran into the same issue. It just turns out what I think is NSFW is not what Wallhaven thinks. Here it really just mean nudity. Sketchy means ALMOST nude, but not nude. Then anything else if normal. So a wallpaper like this:

    1920 x 3588130
    is SFW, while I think it should be sketchy

    However, THIS is what started it:

    1280 x 800784PNG
    This to me is 100% sketchy and is NOT SFW, but I lost that battle and many others, so now I just don't care. People can label them whatever.

    ALSO, the staff kind of does not really care to be honest. If they are so far behind and this is all done on a volunteer basis, then they could VERY easily get more people to help, as I'm sure there are plenty of people who would... But... They don't. So, again, I just don't give a shit and enjoy the site for all the amazing wallpapers it has.

    Last updated
  • 32252

    Actually, you have just expressed my feelings. Thanks! 🤝
