Feature Request : Size of Thumbnails for "Original thumb size"

Posts: 2 · Views: 54
  • 31532

    Can perhaps have ability to adjust the size of thumbnails, particularly for the "Thumbs size > original" setting.

    if I select the the large size then the thumbs are all uniform, I prefer to be able to see that a wallpaper is portrait or landscape. But it would be great if could have larger thumbnails but still displaying if it is portrait or landscape.

  • 31534

    I had no idea you could preview portrait vs landscape. (I have had thumbs size set to small) So thanks for bringing up this topic, now I know you can do that :) That will help when I organize my favs into separate folders for portrait :D

    1920 x 12003

    Generally, I like the uniform thumbnails, so I would like for this to be separate option that you can turn on and off regardless of the thumbnail size.
