Tag Deletion

Posts: 13 · Views: 322
  • 29209

    Greetings. It seems that both the tags "ebony" and "black women" have been recently deleted.

    These tags are quite useful. Not to mention near and dear to my heart! So this is somewhat concerning.

    I'd like to inquire as to why these tags were deleted. Thanks.

  • 29210

    Hello. Those 2 tags have been merged with the tag "dark skin". As all 3 of them were redundantly used for the same wallpapers, it is now more efficient. "ebony" and "black women" are now aliases and as such they still appear in search and tag suggestions.

  • 29287

    Thanks for your reply. I understand the logic here, but this may be one of those situations where the solution is worse than the problem.

    In the past, searching for "ebony" or "black women" returned exactly the kind of results I was expecting: beautiful black women! And there was much rejoicing.

    Searching for "dark skin," however, returns... very different results. For example, here are two recently uploaded "dark skin" wallpapers:

    1437 x 11805PNG
    1920 x 27155PNG

    I won't dispute that this evil gentleman has dark skin. His name is literally "Darkseid"! (Clever, right?) However, he is not really "ebony," nor is he a "black woman." At least, not in this universe.

    Nearly half of the "dark skin" wallpapers are anime girls or anime-inspired art. Here we find many "dark skin" wallpapers like this:

    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.
    5732 x 404734
    3610 x 2577138

    The majority of these images are not intended to represent "black women" or "ebony" women. In fact, "dark skin" is commonly applied to all sorts of interesting skin colors:

    1414 x 164825PNG
    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.
    3840 x 216058PNG

    Toggling off the "general" and "anime" categories helps somewhat, but there are still many wallpapers like these:

    1680 x 105037
    3000 x 2000105
    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.

    Closer, but still no cigar, as they say. Nothing against these ladies, but they are also not "black women" or "ebony" models. And there are also many wonderful models who clearly have "dark skin":

    1920 x 108045
    1920 x 128033
    NSFWYou need to be logged in to view this wallpaper.

    but who owe their lovely complexion to Southeast Asian, Arabic, Indian, or other heredity. They are also not "black women": that is, they are not of African descent or a product of the African Diaspora in the way that models with "dark skin" from Africa, Britain, the Americas, the Caribbean (etc.) often are.

    Sorry to be a bit long-winded, but I think there is a genuine use and need for the tag "black women" as separate and apart from "dark skin." After all, there are tags for "japanese women," "korean women," "lao women," "french women," "swiss women," "thai women," "chinese women," "vietnamese women," "fiji women," and many more kinds of women besides.

    Do we need both "ebony" and "black women"? Probably not. "Black women" has the advantage of being a phrase you'd actually use in everyday conversation. But "ebony" has become the widespread term on adult websites; it's a more common tag, category, and search term across the interwebs. Either one would be fine.

    If possible, I think it would be most beneficial to reinstate / reapply one or both of these tags. Thanks for reading, and for your work on this awesome site. Cheers.

  • 29288

    I agree that some of these usages intertwine, but due to the more popular and urban use of "ebony" together with "dark skin". One could also argue that Darkseid fits into the ebony category. And if you want to see black women just search dark skin + women. As the tags have been merged, it cannot be undone.

  • 29296

    Can you remove one of the aliases and let us put back the tags manually?

  • 29308

    Greetings, and thanks for replying. I've tried searching for dark skin + women as you suggest, but the results were not really inspiring. If I search for "dark skin" + women, I get 3,919 results. All of which seem to be anime or anime-inspired. Toggling off the anime category, I'm left with ... ZERO results. So that's not really helpful.

    The results are slightly different depending on one's use of quotation marks in the search (dark skin v. "dark skin", etc.). But it's still much more difficult to find what I'm looking for (that is, wallpapers of real black women) than it was before the tags were merged.

    So, is there anything that can be done to resolve the minor mess created by merging these tags? I was thinking along the same lines as our esteemed colleague, mcswan. If what is done cannot be undone, perhaps one of the tags could be re-created, and let us interested and dedicated users re-tag the walls as needed. Time-consuming, but worth the effort if it fixes this problem and allows us to get the results we want when searching tags.

    As for which tag should be re-created, my vote would be for "black women" as the tag, with "ebony" as an alias.

    Would that be possible?

    "Black women" would follow the convention of all the other "adjective women" tags on the site (Chinese women, Canadian women, Colombian women, Christmas women, etc.). And all those searching for "ebony" would still find what they're looking for.

    Thanks again for your consideration of this very important matter!

    (P.S. Regarding Mr. Darkseid, I don't think having your skin turned to stone by the Omega Force qualifies you as ebony! Perhaps if his skin had been turned to wood? Probably a discussion for another thread.)

  • 29310

    If you can find a proper synonym for "black women" and feel like adding the tag, feel free to do it. I also suggest adding the alias "dark skin" to it.

  • 29325

    Thanks again for your response. But, if I may ask, why does it have to be a synonym? That is, why can't we just have a brand new tag "black women" with "ebony" as an alias? And then we'll manually apply that new tag to all the appropriate wallpapers.

    Perhaps I'm missing something in the complexity of the way the site handles tags and alias. Probably.

    I tried to create a tag for "black woman" (which seemed like the next obvious choice) but that "tag has been deleted and cannot be created again!" as the error message says.


  • 29328

    Yes, the system is more complex and some specific tags, more exactly combinations of characters, are permanently marked and impossible to undo. As such, the letters "black women" and "ebony" can never be self standing tags again.

  • 29333

    Well, this is a fine mess! We had the two best tag options, "black women" and "ebony." And all was well! And now, for some reason, those perfectly good tags are gone. Forever. And we can never get them back? Seriously?

    That sucks.

    Sorry for the frustration. I really do appreciate your time and effort to set things straight.

    So, "black women," "black woman," and "ebony" are all out? I guess "ebony women" is the next best option.


  • 29334

    Sadly, there is no other way. Use "ebony women" and if you add the aliases "black women" and "ebony", they will all 3 act the same.

  • 29344

    Will do. This is the way.

    Thanks again.
