Looking for these two wallpapers

Posts: 13 · Views: 662
  • 4806

    Can you provide us with a link from the site you took those screenshots?

    Last updated
  • 4808

    Yeah, link required. Else cannot reverse image search.

    Another alternative is to view page source at the original site and see if you can spot the url of the background image.

  • 4809

    lezboyd said:

    [...] view page source at the original site and see if you can spot the url of the background image.

    Just try doing this.

    Last updated
  • 4810

    Anything yet? kinda want them too

  • 4877

    Its simillar but its not the one

  • 4894

    Aiden said:

    Just try doing this.

    I need the source URL for that :O

  • 4898

    Looks like the image came from this website, as the text is exactly the same: divorceangels.ca - Looks like they changed their design lately. You can still contact them and ask for help. Maybe they know where the images are coming from.

  • 4899

    Tell the client you are not a genie, and you need the source.

  • 5205

    Pheaton said:

    Looks like the image came from this website, as the text is exactly the same: divorceangels.ca - Looks like they changed their design lately. You can still contact them and ask for help. Maybe they know where the images are coming from.

    That website uses Squarespace CMS. It's probably a template/theme/layout from them. Good luck finding the stock pictures though.

  • 6026

    Have any of you found anything so far?

  • 7908

    Haha looks like an average dutch landscape, perhaps i can shoot a couple of these?
