A Wallpaper Fan's Walls

Posts: 7 · Views: 472
  • 4746

    I love wallpapers and am constantly on the hunt for new images to wallpaper-ise. To this end I've made a few myself so thought I'd start to share them,as well as ones I really love that aren't on WH (at least, not that I've seen), with all the fine folks here at WallHaven.

    Check them out and let me know what you think.


  • 4750

    There should be a rule against self-advertising in the forums. That is not what forums are for.

  • 4769

    Kinda the point of this board...

  • 4773

    I always thought it was to show off creative stuff or fav stuff, etc, and not self-advertise, but I am fine if you are.

    Last updated
  • 4826

    I don't see how it's self advertising. I posted ONE thread about some wallpapers I made/uploaded. It's not like I've spammed for each new one. And as AksumkA says, it's what the board is suggested to be for.

    Not a great welcome to WallHaven for my first post... 0_o

  • 4889

    Is it really any issue that people self advertise what they have created/edited themselves? I think it's cool to see what people have made, as long as the quality is good.

  • 4891

    equation It's fine for somebody to show their own creations, maybe ask for some feedback etc. It's weird if somebody just says “look at me, I upload stuff” (which isn't what OP did).
