Minecraft Megathread

Posts: 3 · Views: 131
  • 2673

    1920 x 10803

    Post anything minecraft-related here!

    Don't like the way minecraft looks? Check out these fantastic resource packs: PureDBCraft, John Smith Legacy, Glimmars Steampunk, or one of the many, many more over at Minecraft Forums

    Need to spice up your minecraft love life? Take a look at this site for single mods! Don't want the hassle of installing mods? Have a look at these great launchers here: Technic Launcher, Feed The Beast or AT Launcher. I'd say there's no way of telling which one is better, because they are all good in their own way. Each one also have a bunch of modpacks to offer, so I recommend having a look into it.

    Feel free to ask questions here, but don't post any crash-reports, as those should be reported to the mod authors.

    Last updated
  • 2690

    Don't forget to top of the thread with a few awesome Minecraft wallpapers, like

    1920 x 1080143PNG
    2560 x 160021
    1366 x 76813
    4096 x 307254
    2048 x 113830

    Also Missile Wars @ playmindcrack is potentially the most amazing minecraft “minigame” ever.

  • 2744

    Gandalf said:

    Wow, that last wallpaper looks just insane ! :o

    2048 x 113830
