[Windows/Linux] WPC - Wallpaper Change [Supports Wallheaven, Bing]

Posts: 33 · Views: 1754
  • 21628

    Does this automatically pull wallpapers and apply them to your desktop? If it does I've been looking for this for a long time. Any chance some kind of GUI?

  • 21658

    vash12788 said:

    Does this automatically pull wallpapers and apply them to your desktop? If it does I've been looking for this for a long time. Any chance some kind of GUI?

    yes, it automatically downloads and applies wallpaper to your desktop.

    no GUI planned at this time. It is fairly easy to configure. set your settings once and add it to start up.

  • 21673

    Can we get it to pull wallpapers "randomly" from a search query?

  • 21754

    I continued to look for another app to accomplish this task that has a suitable GUI but still couldn't find anything other than Displayfusion, but that is an extremely bloated and expensive piece of software for what I want to do. Decided to give this a shot and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it to function. Help?

  • 21756

    Woah, that's cool. I didn't know wallhaven even had an API, lol

    I really liked you made it multi-platform, when I read the idea I was pretty sure it would be another windows only app.

    I'll give it a try later for sure!

    Is there any way to connect Rust to html or javascript? maybe an html GUI? vash is really worried and willing to give it a try haha

  • 21760

    I finally found a super lightweight app that does exactly what I want, and I found it in the most unlikely of places, the Microsoft app store...


    $2.50 to unlock all the auto wallpaper changing features but for as long as I've been looking for an app to do what I want, it's worth it. I've honestly been searching for another app that does this that supports this website since Wallbase went down and Pulse stopped working years ago.

  • 21762

    vash12788 said:

    I finally found a super lightweight app that does exactly what I want, and I found it in the most unlikely of places, the Microsoft app store...

    omg I'm sorry, you were clearly desperate, poor soul... Would have given a hand on th4nos' program if I knew, my bad.

    Well, that's great then! Indeed, the terminal might not be a friendly picture for everyone.

  • 22285

    WPC v0.5

    • most of main.rs is rewritten.
    • Project restructure.
    • --daemon option for linux and windows.
    • drop support for KDE DE

      WPC is now v0.5.

    Journey towards v1.0 starts from here.

    get for Linux(Gnome/Ubuntu/Budgie/Fedora) and Windows:


  • 22732

    hey bro please help me out , im unable to figure out how to use it. im using command like this- wpc w d q=id:711 and i come up with 0 image found error, what is directory ? could you please tell me some examples how im supposed to use these commands ? Thanks alot

  • 22840

    I'd also appreciate more documentation on how to get this to work correctly. I'm not sure if I have the correct collection ID, and it doesn't ask for my API key or anything, so I'm wondering what I'm missing. Thanks!

  • 22851

    WPC 0.7

    [+] add to startup now works on windows (tested on windows 10) [+] run on background (--background) option.

    release binaries available at github: https://github.com/jkotra/wpc/releases/tag/0.7

    Added 36 minutes after

    burdock said:

    I'd also appreciate more documentation on how to get this to work correctly. I'm not sure if I have the correct collection ID, and it doesn't ask for my API key or anything, so I'm wondering what I'm missing. Thanks!

    v3nom said:

    hey bro please help me out , im unable to figure out how to use it. im using command like this- wpc w d q=id:711 and i come up with 0 image found error, what is directory ? could you please tell me some examples how im supposed to use these commands ? Thanks alot

    you just need to give it a directory and -w flag

    ./wpc -d ~/Documents/wpc_test/ -w

    Here's a small demo video, this should clear things up


    once you feel comfortable with settings (set interval with -i option and update interval with -u) just add --startup at the end. this will make WPC run at startup on windows and Gnome-based DE's (ubuntu, fedora etc..)

    ./wpc -d ~/Documents/wpc_test/ -w -i 60 -u 360 --startup

    The above command will change wallpaper every 60 seconds, it will check if any new wallpapers are added to collection every 360 seconds.--startup adds WPC to startup,.

    if you need any further help please open an issue on Github : https://github.com/jkotra/wpc/issues

    Last updated
  • 22852

    it opens and closes right away win 10

    Last updated
  • 22858

    BlackcatXII said:

    it opens and closes right away win 10

    i guess you are clicking it directly.

    you need to run it from cmd.

  • 22993

    th4n0s said:

    BlackcatXII said:

    it opens and closes right away win 10

    i guess you are clicking it directly.

    you need to run it from cmd.

    How do I run it with cmd?

    Added 8 minutes after

    th4n0s said:

    BlackcatXII said:

    it opens and closes right away win 10

    i guess you are clicking it directly.

    you need to run it from cmd.

    you got discord?

    Last updated
  • 23254

    WPC 0.7.2 released.

    -Async downloads. (wallpapers download faster!) -support for private wallhaven.cc collections. (wizard will ask for api key when run with -w option. (example: ./wpc -d . -w for very first time and wallhaven.json does not exist in current working directory) -Loads of bug and typo fixes.

    windows and linux binaries @ https://github.com/jkotra/wpc/releases/tag/0.7.2

  • 23272

    “thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to make GET request”

  • 23285

    Sakura39 said:

    “thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to make GET request”

    what command did you use to start wpc?

    Added 1 hour after

    WPC 0.7.3 Released

    Fix bug that makes WPC unusable on startup with -w flag.

    very critical bug,essentially makes the program unusable when used with -w on startup, I will try to test more to make sure that everything works before releasing further versions/updates.

    windows and linux binaries @ https://github.com/jkotra/wpc/releases/tag/0.7.3

    Last updated
  • 23800

    WPC 0.7.6 Released.

    • startup bug fixed.
    • '.' now gets correctly translated to 'CWD' during adding WPC to startup.
    • fixed Bing WPOD 'file exists' bug.
  • 24324

    Hi th4n0s

    can app download images from filter url (not only from collection) ?
